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  1. hi, can anybody help me please, i have a 2000 reg xantia 2.0hdi (aircon). Over the last couple of days the red light in the temp gauge keeps flashing along with the red "STOP" light.After about a minute the flashing stops. the cooling fans also seem to be on constantly when engine running,even with the weather being quite cool The car is not overheating,i have recently changed the coolant and all levels are correct.After trawling the net on this subject i understand its more than likely a bad connection between the brown sensor in the themostat housing & the bitron controll unit (controlls the cooling fans & warning lamps)? please help if possible ... i'm baffled regards,
  2. Hi,ive just changed the coolant on my Xantia HDI,level is fine and the system has been bled.ive just noticed that on cold start up the red light on the temp gauge will flash along with the stop light on the dash,this will last for about 1 minute then go off,the running temp of the car is fine,ive owned the car for over 3 yesars..any ideas,thanks
  3. Hi,ive just changed the coolant on my Xantia HDI,level is fine and the system has been bled.ive just noticed that on cold start up the red light on the temp gauge will flash along with the stop light on the dash,this will last for about 1 minute then go off,the running temp of the car is fine,ive owned the car for over 3 yesars..any ideas,thanks
  4. Plan to change the coolant on my HDI as ive had the car for 3 years and ive never done it.Please can you tell me how to do it step by step please.many thanks
  5. Plan to change the coolant on my HDI as ive had the car for 3 years and ive never done it.Please can you tell me how to do it step by step please.many thanks
  6. Halfords do generic leads....................
  7. now sorted ,new spheres did the trick
  8. HI,seem to have a loud drumming noise only when the brakes are applied at speed say above 60mph,when the brakes are applied at slow speed there is no noise,no wheel bearing noise is apparant,could this be glazed rear pads (they were new 15k ago) or low front pads? any thoughts or ideas would be great thanks
  9. sorted it want as bad as i thought...
  10. Hi..my car is like a pogo stick to drive,are the spheres gone..also ive noticed the accumultor ticks quite fast now,is this also on the way out?..if the accumulator is gone whos the best place for a re con pleides? many thanks
  11. Hi,any clues / tips on changing the auxillary belt on a XANTIA HDI?
  12. Thanks for that,so air in the system will keep the light on for longer?,would it help to replace the filters in the tank?????
  13. Hi, Now its gone very cold the stop light is taking 10 minutes to go out.I have cleaned the LHM filters from the tank in petrol.it was better for a short time but now its back to how it was.would i be best to re new the filters and bleed the brakes to get new LHm into the system. many thanks Colin e mail colin.mogford@uk.gm.com
  14. Hi, Got A W reg HDI,the last couple of mornings the stop light has failed to go out first thing and I have had no brakes,but when trying later in the day when slightly warmer the light goes out as normal and all is well,could there be moisture in the LHM?........does the system need bleeding/new fluid Thanks Colin Mogford Hinckley Leicester
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