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Everything posted by milleplod

  1. Hi Paul. Thanks for the info - yes, same car, an Exclusive. My mate's putting it on his ramp tomorrow, so the LDS tank is something else to look at, I hadn't thought of that. I'm wondering (hoping!) that that's it - looking at it logically, the wet patch on the road is always under the pipe in the pic, whether the car's parked pointing downhill or uphill....would it be possible for a leak from the rack, near the pedal box, to get to that area? :unsure: Pete
  2. Thanks for the reply. My diagnostic skills would appear to be lacking! The leak left lovely rainbow circles on the wet road earlier....looking under the bonnet, I spotted this - power steering pipe? Pete
  3. Morning chaps. My '09 2.0HDi X7 is losing water! I thought I'd been getting a whiff of that 'radiator water' smell over the last couple of weeks, but despite having a good look under the bonnet, I couldn't see anything obvious. I did a 150-mile round trip yesterday, no warning lights (is there a low coolant one?), engine temp gauge normal, heater working normally. Then, yesterday morning, I spotted a wet patch under the front offside corner as the car was parked outside my mum's - I thought it was aircon drain-off. Then I realised I'd not had the aircon on! I looked under the bonnet - top hose stone cold, despite the temp gauge showing 4/5 bars (so not stinking hot as I'd not gone far), radiator stone cold, heater working fine. New thermostat was fitted a couple of months ago - what a pig of a job that was! I've just been looking under the bonnet again this morning, engine stone cold. The level in the header tank looks normal - I expected the level to have dropped and a top-up being needed! I let it tick over for a minute or so, revved it, no change in the header tank level. I'm confused, to put it mildly! Regarding coolant, pink Total 'Glacelf Auto Supra' seems to be the right stuff, although I can get Comma Xstream G30 for not far off half the price - any thoughts? Pete
  4. Update. I called Town Centre Citroen this morning enquiring about the job - the young lady said she'd call me back with a price. She just called - 'The technician says its a sealed for life unit, so we won't be able to do the job'. First class, eh! Pete
  5. Evening all. My '09 2.0HDi auto has 70k miles now, and I'd like to get the autobox fluid changed - I believe the box is the Aisin AM6. I'm sure I saw a recommend for a garage 'up north' somewhere that does it for a very keen price, but I can't find the thread now! I'm in Derbyshire - although we have 2 or 3 main dealers on hand, I don't know anyone who's used them, and I'd much prefer to spend my money somewhere that comes recommended! I don't mind a couple of hours drive - worth it if the job's going to be done right! How long does the job take btw? Wherever I take it, I'd like to wait around while its done, assuming that's practical! :) Typical, found the thread now! Town Centre Citroen in Sunderland seems to be the one I was looking for - is the price still 'special'?! I'll give them a call tomorrow - anyone in particular to speak to? Pete
  6. My '09 Exclusive Tourer is an auto, but I'm sure I've seen manuals, presumably with proper Citroen suspension, advertised....albeit they could be a bit thin on the ground. I love the autobox - can't say I've ever noticed any 'lag' at all, it goes like stink when asked to! Things I'd check would be that the high-level brake light works as there's a wire that breaks between roof and tailgate - not a major issue, but a faff to sort it out - and also the rear washer, mine failed at more or less the same time as the brake light, the corrugated pipe had cracked. Listen for noise from the front end, more specifically what seems to be very noticeable road noise - on anything but very smooth surfacing, some cars, mine included, are very noisy indeed - its an annoyance more than anything, one that some people can perhaps live with, but its driving me barmy and there doesn't seem to be a simple fix! The sound system is fairly rubbish too, and not easily upgradeable. No doubt there's other stuff, but they're on my 'I wish I'd known that first' list! :) Pete
  7. My '09 Exclusive is just the same. 70k miles. I usually notice the whine if I've been using the autobox in manual - setting off from a standstill means it holds 1st till I tell it otherwise, and that's when the whine is audible, presumably because it revs higher than in full auto, where it slips into 2nd very early on. In fact, I'm sure it sets off in 2nd sometimes when I'm driving Miss Daisy-style! Pete
  8. Thanks for the reply. I've managed to get a fair chunk off that price on a 'friends and family' basis as a friend works at the dealership - that should bring it down to around £125. The autobox specialist hasn't got back to me yet. Sunderland's a 260-mile round trip unfortunately, but thanks for the suggestion. Pete
  9. Thanks for the reply, and for the very detailed info, much appreciated! My car has the AM6 box I'm told. I take on board what you say about getting a dealer to do it - I think I'd be happier, albeit a bit lighter in the wallet! I've just spoken to Autoworld in Chesterfield, they've quoted £160 all in. I'm waiting for a well-established local autobox specialist to call me back, just to see what their price is like. Thanks again, Pete
  10. At a standstill, engine revs rise smoothly with the lightest of touches on the accelerator. The stutter is definitely most obvious (a) - during an over-run scenario, if the accelerator is lightly pressed. A heavier foot gives no stuttering. And (b) in normal driving, at lower speeds, if the accelerator pedal is 'shut' sharply, as the revs drop to tickover. Odd indeed. Pete
  11. Thanks for the reply. Would that throw up a fault code do you know? Pete
  12. My 70k-miles '09 2.0HDi auto runs very nicely indeed, I'm very pleased with it. However, I've noticed that if I close the throttle sharply....ie lift my foot off the accelerator suddenly....the engine seems to stutter slightly as the revs come off and approach tickover, almost like a misfire. If I lift my foot off more gently, it doesn't seem to do it. Low speed running is fine, acceleration is fine, and if its done the stutter and I then re-apply the accelerator, its fine. Setting off from our drive, engine hot or cold, there's a fairly steep downhill bit - my foot's usually off the accelerator as I roll down the road....gently pressing the accelerator brings on the stuttering feeling every time. I'd say its definitely more obvious on the over-run. Its more of a minor niggle than anything else, my wife hasn't even noticed it....but minor niggles are....well....niggling! Any ideas anyone? Pete
  13. I'm thinking that at around 70k miles, my '09 2.0HDI auto would benefit from a gearbox fluid change. I've researched the fluid type and settled on Carlube's ATV-LV as meeting the correct spec. I know that a full fluid change isn't the simplest of things to do, so thought about doing it 3 litres or so at a time. Is it as simple as removing a drain plug, measuring what comes out and replacing that with the same amount of new fluid? Are the drain/fill plugs easy to find? Pete
  14. That's a good idea regarding the cable ties. Can you post a link to the bulbs you used - how does the brightness compare to the originals? I bought my one-owner C5 around 6/7 weeks ago, the DRLs had never been activated previously, I switched them on via the dash options, hopefully they'll last a while before needing replacement, but it would be handy to have alternatives on standby! Pete
  15. Brilliant minds etc etc! :D Till I find some standard bolts, my car's still got the lockers on. I just know what's going to happen when I do find some replacments...... :rolleyes: Pete
  16. Once you can get them off, bin them in favour of standard ones. What self-respecting scrote thief nicks alloys these days?!! :D The first thing I do when buying a car is bin the things, I've been doing that for donkey's years, they're more trouble than they're worth! Pete
  17. Thanks for the reply. I've only owned the car for a few weeks - it was last serviced about 9 months/6k miles ago. The receipt shows oil and filter, air filter, cabin/pollen filter all done - no sign of a fuel-filter change though. I'm wondering if there's some sort of gadget (that's not working!) that prevents the throttle 'snapping' shut when I lift off the accelerator sharply, bearing in mind that if I lift off gently, there's no stuttering. Its a very slight irritation more than anything else - my wife's not noticed it at all! Pete
  18. My 70k miles, 2.0HDi auto runs perfectly, I'm very pleased with it. However, I've noticed that if I close the throttle sharply....ie lift my foot off the accelerator....the engine seems to stutter slightly, almost like a misfire. If I lift my foot off more gently, it doesn't do it. Low speed running is fine, acceleration is fine, if its done the stutter and I then re-apply the accelerator, its fine. Any ideas anyone? Is it a case of 'they all do that sir'? Pete
  19. I know the issue of winter tyres can be a divisive one, but I'm a 'believer' and have been for years. My tyre of choice for ages has been Avon's Ice Touring ST, which I've used previously on an Espace IV and a (rwd) Lexus IS250 - we live on a steep-ish hill, and even 1/2" of snow means a lot of our neighbours end up abandoning their cars half a mile down the road - winter tyres mean we get back on our drive, always! Anyway, I recently picked up a set of extra-load 225/55R17s for my C5 Exclusive for the princely sum of £220 including delivery - that's the same price as a lot of 'no-name' ditchfinders! They're on eBay from a German seller - delivery took less than 72hrs via DPD. I think the price of these has dropped as Avon appear to have discontinued them in favour of their WV7/WT7. They get very good reviews on tyrereviews.co.uk. I actually used them all year round on our Espace as they don't feel 'squirmy' once the weather warms up and, more importantly, they don't wear out very quickly either. Well worth considering if you're in the market! :) Pete
  20. My mistake was assuming something - our previous car had an auto-tailgate that opened/closed on the key fob. When I went to look at the C5, the seller was taking me through the car's features - he told me that the tailgate opened with the key fob, but didn't close with it, you had to press the button on the tailgate itself. I thought he meant that the key fob was supposed to close the tailgate, but was defective. :rolleyes: So.....we agreed a price, and when I got home I started trawling the internet looking for a fix for the non-existent 'problem'. Then I read the handbook...... :D Pete
  21. First post, make an idiot of myself....probably sets the scene for the rest of my time on here! :rolleyes: Pete
  22. OK, I've done what I should have done in the first place and looked in the handbook! :D :rolleyes: Pete
  23. Afternoon all. I've just bought a lovely, one-owner '09 plated Tourer, the 2.0HDi Exclusive model with the auto-box. Its really been looked after, and I'm very pleased with it indeed! My first question - and I have done a search, but couldn't find anything relevant! - the powered tailgate works perfectly. But....it doesn't close from the button on either of the 2 remote keys, both of which are quite worn around the buttons. Is this likely to be an internal fault on each remote? The tailgate closes perfectly when the button on its bottom edge is pressed btw. Or....does the remote not close the tailgate anyway?! I'll start scouring the handbook! Pete
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