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Everything posted by azz1974

  1. hi can anyone help? my suspension on 99 (t reg) 1.8 sx xantia is very bouncey it raises and lowers fine but if you hit a bump it bounces for britan. while the car is switched off the suspension is like a normal car with regards to pushing the suspension. the hydraulic tank is at the corect level. any ideas? cheers aaron
  2. hi can you help? my suspension on 99 (t reg) 1.8 sx xantia is very bouncey it raises and lowers fine but if you hit a bump it bounces for britan. while the car is switched off the suspension is like a normal car with regards to pushing the suspension. the hydraulic tank is at the corect level. any ideas? cheers aaron
  3. azz1974


    hi i have just got a 99 1.8 16v lx xantia and it is drinking lots of fuel! is this normal?? or is there a fault ? can anyone help :)
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