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  1. It is located behind the main instrument cluster. Paul
  2. My 2001 C5 Exclusive SE V6 has an annoying problem with its Climate Control. As the car warms up all Vents: Foot, Face & Windscreen, increase Temp' together. However, once the car begins to get warm the Face & Windscreen Vents begin to blow steadily cooler air. By the time the car is fully warmed up the Foot Vents continue to blow air as hot as I wish. Whereas, the Face & Winscreen Vents are nearly Cold. If I increase the Temperature setting, the Face & Windscreen will blow warm as the Temp' increases. But, will soon revert to a cool draft. If I set the Temp' to 28%, then all Vents blow Hot. I can direct the air to any Vent with no problem, and the Foot Vents can be adjusted up and down exactly as required. I have Duel Zone, and both side behave in the same manner. I am stumped. Surely, if the Flaps were faulty, I would not be able to set the Temp', or choose the direction of air outlet. I am worried that if I take it to a dealer, they will charge me a fortune in diagnostic time. Any ideas please. The Cold weather is coming. Thanks in advance, Paul
  3. Many thanks Thomas. Paul
  4. Hello, I have a 2001 Citroen C5 Exclusive SE V6 Auto. I need the following info' : What is the Auto Gearbox fitted to this car? What is the Auto Gearbox Fluid Level Check procedure? What is the correct Auto Gearbox Fluid? I need this info as, since I have owned her, the Auto Box has had this behaviour: When in a queue of traffic, and holding the car at stop on a hill by using the Foot-brake, I find that when I release the Foot-Brake the car will feel as if she is not in Drive, and will roll back 2 to 6 inches. Then I can feel Drive engage. I usually just move my foot swiftly from Brake to Throttle and the roll back does not occur. However, it would be nice if it never happened. Apart from this the Auto Box appears fine. I have heard that the Fluid Level Check is tricky, and that therefore, it is not unusual for one of these Boxes to be Under filled, or filled with an incorrect fluid. If anyone can provide the correct info', it would be much appreciated. Paul
  5. I thought I would try to update the Firmware, as I have a problem with my Sat/Nav. Basically, it works perfectly but, it forgets any Saved Destination as soon as the Ignition is switched off. I have been told that it may be in Demo Mode, and that by Updating the Firmware it will reset. Any ideas? Many thanks, Paul
  6. Hello Guys. 2001. C5 Exclusive SE V6 Auto. I really hoped that someone here would have had some info' as to how to route an Aux' Input from the back of the Radio to outside the Front Fascia. Preferably, via the Ashtray, which sits beneath the Climate Controls, and in front of the Gear Lever. However, it appears that nobody here has any knowledge of fitting an Aux' Input. So, I am just going to have to carry on regardless, and attempt to fit my new Connect2 Aux' Input. What I do hope you can help me with now is: Obviously, in order to fit the Aux' Input I will need to remove the Radio. I have already, (due to previous jobs undertaken), needed to twice Disconnect the Battery. I then followed the BSI Reset procedure. I don't really want to do it again just yet. So, finally my question: Is it essential to Disconnect the Battery in order to Temporarily remove the Radio? Any help with this Battery question, or with the Aux Cable Routing would be very welcome. Many thanks, Paul
  7. Hello, I have decided to update the Firmware of my Sat/Nav. My car is a 2001, C5 Exclusive SE V6. This is how I failed to manage the task: 1) I started the engine. 2) I removed my Map Disc. 3) I inserted my, (Official, and I assume correct, it came with the car), Firmware Disc. 4) A message on the Main Display, (I have the large colour screen), showed me details re' Firmware and CD. It also asked if I wanted to Install. 5) I chose Yes. 6) A message was displayed, which was along these lines, "Please be patient. Installing is taking place". 7) I then waited, patiently, for approx' 20 minutes. However, nothing further occurred. 8) I switched of the Ignition. 9) I restarted the engine. 10) Once again the message was displayed, asking if I wanted to Install. 11) This time I answered No. I was then asked to eject the Firmware Disc. 12) I then reinserted my Map Disc. 13) My Sat/Nav then functioned as normal. However, no update had occurred. Sorry about the long winded list above. Has anyone successfully managed to Update their Sat/Nav Firmware? If so, how did you do it? Many thanks for any assistance. Paul
  8. Hello, I have a 2001 C5 Exclusive SE V6. I am missing playing music from my iPhone. Therefore, I have decided to fit a Connect2, (CTVPGX010). It appears that this simply connects in place of the CD Multi-Changer. However, what I am hoping, is that someone here has fitted one of these, and can help me out with cable routing. 1) Where should the Connect2 main Unit, (the white box), sit? i.e. where behind the Radio etc. is there room? 2) Where, and how, do I route the new Aux Input Cable? I would hope to have it appear within the Ashtray, (beneath the Climate Controls & in front of the Gear Lever), where it could be kept coiled up ready for use. If anyone can supply step by step instructions, that would be much appreciated. Many thanks, Paul
  9. Dealer has replaced the LDS Tank with an updated model. I have paid for the Tank. Dealer has paid for the Labour and the LDS Fluid. All appears to be sorted now. Thanks for your replies. Paul
  10. Thanks for the reply. However, it is a Leak. If I put the Suspension into Low mode the Tank Leaks all around the Seam. I have heard of cases of this Leak being caused by Topping Up using an incorrect method. However, is is proving impossible to find out which actually is the correct method. Any advice welcome. Paul
  11. Dircon

    Gear Knob?

    I had this problem on mine. I Rotated the Knob 90% and then pulled it off. To fit the replacement, I reversed the procedure. Paul
  12. Last week my local Citroen Dealer replaced some Hydraulic pipes on my car. After I got the car home, I looked at the Level of LDS showing through the side of the Tank, and I wondered if the Dealer had left it a little Low. Therefore, on Saturday morning I took my 2001 C5 Exclusive SE V6 Auto back to my Citroen Dealer, and asked them to check my LDS Level. They were busy, and did not have any of their usual mechanics on duty. Nevertheless, they took my car in and said they would check the Level while I waited. When they handed the car back to me, they informed me that they had Topped Up the level. But, it had only required a very small amount of LDS. After I had driven home, (approx’ half a mile), I lifted the Bonnet and checked the LDS Level myself. I found that the Seam around the centre of the LDS Tank was leaking fluid. This seam had always been bone dry. After using several rolls of kitchen paper, it is now only leaking if the car’s Suspension is placed into the Low position. Obviously, I will be contacting my Dealer on Monday. What I hope you guys may be able to advise me on is…….. What is the correct procedure to Top-Up the LDS Level on my car? Could the Dealer’s LDS Top-Up on Saturday have caused the Tank to Leak, had they not followed the correct procedure? The Dealer gave me a Print-Out which states………………. Checking and Topping up the LDS fluid. “Start the engine. Wait for the vehicle height to stabilise. Put the vehicle in the “high†position. Lower the vehicle to the low position. Turn the steering from lock to lock in each direction. Stop the engine. Check the LDS fluid level. The Print-Out then has a diagram which shows that the LDS Min Level is just below the Lip of the Lowest Half of the Tank. Therefore, just below the Tank Seam. They then state that if the LDS is below this Min Level, 1 litre of LDS should be added. They then give another diagram which shows the Top of the Tank and the LDS Level Window. The Window has 3 Marks shown. At the Top is the word MAX. They state that this is the LDS Max Level. The Centre Mark, i.e. HYD they do not mention. They finally state that the lowest Mark, i.e. BASE is the correct Level for my car.†What also concerns me, is that the Print-Out refers to Hydractive Suspension 3. Whereas, my car has Hydractive Suspension 3+. I queried this with the Dealer, and he replied that this Print-Out was the same for all C5s. If someone could through some light on this before I contact the Dealer on Monday, it would be really useful. Many thanks, Paul
  13. Thanks for your input Paul.h However, I have spoken to VDO re' my problem and they inform me that there are two possible causes: 1) (By far the least likely in my case), is that my ECU is faulty. 2) (By far the most likely in my case), is that my ECU is not connected to its constant 12v supply. They explained that, the Sat/Nav ECU only saves any new data, e.g. new Destinations, after the Ignition is switched off. It does this by using the Constant 12v supply. This takes up to one minute. Once new data has been saved, it will then remain in memory even if the car's battery is disconnected. He concluded that my Sat/Nav was behaving exactly as expected, if it had lost its Constant 12v supply. So, if I can find the ECU's Pin-Out I can check if this is the case, and re-establish the constant 12v if it is indeed disconnected. Thanks, Paul
  14. Dircon

    C5 Pdfs

    Thanks Paul.h, 2 x Questions: 1) Do you know how much Hard Drive space this dvd manual requires? 2) Do you know if it has the Pin-Out for the Sat/Nav ECU? This is what I really need at the moment. Many thanks, Paul
  15. Dircon

    C5 Pdfs

    Hello, I have managed to download quite a few C5 PDFs. Unfortunately, most of them are in French. Do any of you have English Translations. I particularly would like Translations of: C5 Architecture electrique, C5_Doc_1 and C5_Doc_3 Many thanks Paul
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