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  1. hi getting this fault. the temp gauge goes from nothing to 3 bars and beeps, the fan is pretty much always on, the car water is not boiling hot so its not overheating. sometimes the c3 will not start. would this be due to the coolant sensor maybe ? thanks in advance
  2. i think one or two of them are faulty. how do i get them out ? do i need to remove the whole bumper or is there another way ?
  3. blowers have stopped working ? i have the dual climate control and the blower does not come on anymore on any setting ?
  4. is the blanking of the egr safe to do when dpf is fitted ?
  5. the problem was the boot switch, the plastic that you press the little like spring back plastic hinges one had snapped. just put some foam in between so it springs back once pressed in.
  6. ok i have found where its leaking from. its leaking from the side plastic circle thing not the top. any idea what this is and how to repair ? http://i763.photobucket.com/albums/xx279/watercooled2/IMG_20130228_153201_zps9c9647ef-1_zpsccb438c2.jpg http://i763.photobucket.com/albums/xx279/watercooled2/IMG_20130228_153212_zpsa10d5988.jpg
  7. my car is on 117000 miles, i wonder if the fluid has every been refilled. i may get the car in for a interim service at citroen.
  8. yes its a c4 2.0 hdi RHRH and does have the filter. so i guess i need to give it a good run now and again. i was going to fit an led in the wing mirror to let me know when its regenerating but i don't have heated mirrors :(
  9. hi guys i have a 2005 c4 and when i unlock the car with the fob the boot opens up ?
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