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  1. hi all just got myself a c 5 exclusive very nice car so far. had new tyres fitted by a relation of mine.only to find that the rear axle raised itself to the moon. had no idea what to do about it so i looked on the website to find some good answers.. i went back to the garage put it up on the ramp NOT TO BE DONE WITHOUT A PROPER GARAGE RAMP AS IT WILL LOWER ITSELF DOWN ON YOU... the height sensor on the anti roll bar is in the centre it,s a little black box with a pear shaped bit on it which has bar shaped like a dogs bone/barbell shape linkage .it had moved up on itself.s all we needed to do was pull it back up..NO TOOLS NEEDED.start the car up and let the system resset itself.JOBS A GOODEN.. good luck and hope this will help ..slaphead rainham essex
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