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  1. sounds similar to mine! http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/index.php?/topic/15164-c5-hdi-20-stopped-on-motorway-no-drama-or-noise-yellow-engine-management-light-on/ mines sat outside house now...so going to try a few of these things..AA bloke mentioned possible crank sensor too, but said its not something easy to change and didnt give me any more help ? any body know how or where I guess ?
  2. I have a Citroen HDi 2 litre plate RY53 , yesterday on the M4 the engine suddenly lost ALL power ( not limp home ) but no noise/clanking etc and only lights that came on were yellow engine management and the circular dot red light at the right end of water temp, I got it to hard shoulder and it died. After 5 mins I turned it over , it started but would not rev at all then stopped. Then since then wont start but will turn over. AA looked at it and oil ok, hydraulics ok, water ok – no oil in it or overhot or low or anything) – could not see what wrong. Cambelt was serviced at 90,000 , car now on around 120,000. Plus with no noise he did not think cambelt but some sensor ?? any help most appreciated
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