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Everything posted by wadzee

  1. wadzee


    Apologies for four posts of same thing, only i received this error after posting each time - Mail Error! SMTP protocol failure! Host: auth.smtp.1and1.co.uk Return Code: 535 Return Msg: 535 Error: authentication failed Invision Power Board Error: Password not accepted from the server Check your SMTP settings from the admin control panel Only to find it WAS posting! Adam :blink:
  2. wadzee


    My C2 (late 2005 model - DESIGN) has been recalled. I had problems some weeks back with the accelorator not resetting, which was scary as I'd stop accelorating and start breaking, but the accelorator would keep depressing (yeah, dangerous or wot!). I've now had a letter saying my car needs to be recalled for work - specifically a new accelorator. Anyone else had this? 24/3/06
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