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Everything posted by Alec

  1. I think you might have to wait more than a few months unfortunately, unless you want a LHD one from France. New Berlingo for 2008 New Partner http://images.worldcarfans.com/articles/2008/1/2/9080102.002/9080102.002.1M.jpg
  2. New Peugeot from their website. Bipper Tepee
  3. Headlight Adjustment
  4. That's a fine looking car you have there.
  5. Haven't used them myself but how about http://www.cit-ren.co.uk/?
  6. I'm beginning to wonder if the spyshots I saw were actually a Nemo then? http://www.lemonlawvehicle.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2006/12/citroen-berlingo.jpeg
  7. I had squealing rear drums first thing in the morning, my mechanic friend took the rear wheels off and cleaned the drums out and gave them a rub around with a wire brush, apparently according to him the brake dust builds up and then turns into a shiny coating with the heat generated by the brakes. Worked a treat.
  8. I have had thsi but only in a torrential downpour with wind blowing at about an angle of 45 degrees. The only cure I found was to hold the tailgate down slightly to stop the water running towards the car. Wasn't easy as I was trying to load the boot with a trolley of booze in a French hypermarket carpark at the time. :P
  9. I had a problem with my key and had to 'j-j-j-j jiggle' it a bit. Turned out after a quick look to be the little sprung loaded flap sticking and not opening fully meaning the key got caught on it, a quick spray of WD40 cured it.
  10. Anyone know the whereabouts of a yellow/green cloth upholstery drivers seat to fit my Berlingo? My ones decided to fall apart resulting in it being a bit uncomfortable on long journeys. The yellow/green colourway was as far as I know only fitted to the Yellow or Green series 1 'lingos, so up to about 52 reg. Mines a 3 door, is there any difference between seats for a 5 door?
  11. I get about 32 to the gallon from my W reg 1.8i . Next Berlingo will be a diesel.
  12. The cigarette lighter on my '00 W reg 1.8i 3 door Multispace has a problem. I've never really bothered that it has never worked since I bought the car 2 years ago but I've just purchased a SatNav system that needs to plug in occasionally. The fuse tray layout on the car is totally different to the one shown in my handbook but I managed to suss out which one it was with the help of an oscillator and amplifier (BT engineer by trade) Sure enough the fuse had blown (25A). I replaced it and the lighter worked again if I held it in, it wouldn't 'lock', guessed I had fixed it but as soon as I plugged the SatNav in it blew the fuse again :rolleyes: A friend at work suggested replacing the socket, so armed with a screwdriver with a Torx bit I attacked the dash, after removing about 10 screws and various bits of plastic I still hadn't got to the back of the socket. It seems I have to remove the centre console bit that is around the gear lever but have no idea how to. Any of you mechanically minded people out there got an ideas or am I barking up the wrong tree?
  13. It's a darn sight better looking than the Pug version. :angry: http://www.motorauthority.com/wp-content/uploads/Peugeot/Spy/4007/peugeot_4007_main.jpg
  14. My work vehicle is a Vauxhall Combo, drives nicely. Whilst on holiday in France recently I noticed a few of the Opel ones on the road. http://www.opel.at/contents/images/2006111512533448IM7.jpg http://www.opel.at/contents/images/2004090612054771IM7.jpg http://www.opel.at/contents/images/2006111513075700IM7.jpg
  15. Very, I'll wager. My radio automatically changes stations at 5 p.m. nowadays. :angry:
  16. all the dealer part wipers are for l/h drive cars over here anyway as there made in france and shiped over here. you just remove the clip and turn it over and that makes it fit r/h drive cars. I tried that but they are still a mirror image of the ones I took off. And the spoiler is now on the top of the drivers side wiper. I'll have another look though.
  17. I got a 2000 'W' reg 3 door 1.8 for my £3000. The 1.8 is a great engine but a bit thirsty though. I wish I'd gone for 5 doors and maybe a 1.9 diesel but funds wouldn't stretch at the time. I prefer the looks of the 'old' shape Berlingos myself.
  18. But remember if you go to France and buy some bargain wiperblades from the hypermarket for you Berlingo the spoiler will be on the wrong side of the wiper as they are for L/H drive cars. :rolleyes:
  19. How about dropping a couple of sterilizing tablets used for sterilizing babies bottle etc into the washer bottle? Just an idea I can't guarantee it'll work. :blink:
  20. Wow Thanks for that Terry, hadn't come across that one. :D
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