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Everything posted by reveresco

  1. thanks either that or find a replacement, its the 20KE04 gearbox I have, can I change it with any of the other 2.5 d gearboxs ?????????
  2. sheesh not spendindg £600 on a box, bought the van for £300 , welded all the inner sills and put a window on it for mot, let the tax run out and scrap it I think.....
  3. yeah will need to have a look at that, can`t get a hold of another box anywhere.
  4. Help I`ve no 3rd gear and need to change my gearbox, on mine clutch cable is pulled up the front of gearbox and this type of box seems to be very rare, is it easy to swap for the gearbox that clutch pulls across the top of the g/box ???? many thanks !!!!!!
  5. Ha ha like you're thinking, just really annoying. almost as annoying as the horn now deciding not to work, good earth and horns are fine, good contacts on push pad, maybe take steering wheel off tomorrow and investigate further, the joys eh !!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
  6. yeah was thinking the same paul, just concerned it may fail MOT with all these horror dash light stories. thanks. stevie
  7. Hi there my 2000 relay 2.5d keycode light stays on all the time although it starts and runs fine, anyone had this problem before and had it cured. ????????????? many thanks :wacko:
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