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  1. This was a right bugger and had me very annoyed for ages! The manual was no help at all and the picture in no way resembled what I could see. But after 4 attempts, three plasters and a small mirror, I managed it. Hurrah! (Space is a little tight, especially on the passenger side, where the battery cover really gets in the way - it helps to have small hands for this one...) Anyway, this is how I did it.... 1) Disconnect the electrical connector from the headlight - on mine it is black with a red piece - do this by clicking the red piece upwards and pulling the connector away from you. 2) Remove the water-proof, saucer sized cover by prising it off with your fingers (and put it somewhere it won't slip amongst the engine parts, making it practically impossible to retrieve without personal injury!! Ouch!). 3) Now you will see another electrical connector, this time a white one with different coloured wires, which is connected to the bulb its-self. Remove this by pushing it off gently, jigging it a bit if you have to. 4) The bulb is held in place by a metal wire that comes up from the bottom and splits into two, one on each side, both going into a metal catch at the top (this is where the mirror comes in handy). To remove the bulb you have to push each side of the wire towards the front of the car and then out to the side to disengage them from the metal catch. You can do them one at a time and when you have done this, the whole piece just sort of springs forward and the bulb comes free. 5) Put the new bulb in place and place the metal fixture back over the bulb, replacing each bit back in the catch a the top. (Make sure the bulb is the right way up or it won't fit properly! Again, personal experience..lol) 6) Refit the white electrical connector by pushing it carefully on to metal bits on the bulb. 7) Replace the round waterproof cover byjust pushing it firmly back in place. 8) Reconnect the black and red connector by pushing it on and pushing down the red bit to fix it in place. 9) Have a beer and put elastoplast on all bleeding wounds! Hope this is of help to anyone who was in the same position as me and unable to find much help on the t'internet. Mind you.... if you buy the bulbs at Halfords, the nice chaps in the blue overalls will fit it for you at a very reasonable price!
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