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Everything posted by winos

  1. :) I don't know if you are still suffering but someone out there must still be. I did not want to renew and the cost is about £40.00 per annum I believe. She was driving me mad so I investigated disbling the unit. I found the traffic-master unit under the dashboard above the glovebox. It's necessary to remove the glovebox and feel upwards to find the unit which is a small black box slid onto a plate. Carefully slide it off and lower it down so you can see the cable harness connections. We found that by cutting the green wire at pin 3 of the connector and insulating both ends so that it can be re-enabled in the future will remove the 12V supply to the unit and shut her up. Regards :o
  2. We bought standard headlights of Ebay France and at the moment they are running with standard bulbs and are on all the time. Come the better weather we will remove them and work our way through one step at a time moving the parts across.
  3. Hi We are changing our headlights to LHD and need to move the Zenon fittings, control box and bulbs to the new shells, any advice on how to dismantle etc would be wonderful. Thanks
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