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  1. ok, thanx paul for your input. I think im gonna live with it for a while, and when I get some spare cash I will buy a second hand wiper motor and see if that works. As for the c4 ,petrol consumption is great , im getting around 44m.p.g round town,had a piccasso before this and that was crap!!!! lucky to get 28 m.p.g. regards chris
  2. hi paul, its a 1.4 lx petrol. just been told by the local garage its the rear wiper control unit, which is gonna cost £300.00!!!! I don't think its that myself,does anyone think it could be the motor itself ,although it works perfectly well in all its functions? regards chris.also can anyone send me a picture of what a rear wiper control unit looks like, so I can find were it is!!
  3. :wacko: hi everyone ,just bought a c4 hatchback and noticed a few glitches.its a 55 plate , and when I go to unlock it with the key fob the rear wiper comes on for about 5 wipes then goes off!!!!!! .cant seem to get my head around it ,any ideas anyone. cheers.
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