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  1. As a quick fix i opted for a second hand steering lock and barrel from a local Citroen breakers £40 for the unit and 2 keys not ideal having a different key for fuel cap and door locks but i fitted the new blades to the original fob so 1 key operates the remote and starts it and at least i can use it now.Thanks for the reply.
  2. Hi my ignition barrel failed on my b9 2009 berlingo can i buy a barrel separately or do i have to buy a whole lock set citroen want £340 for a full set plus £100 for the steering lock also what about coding to vehicle? thanks
  3. Thanks for the reply it will be a sunday job so it looks like gentle persuasion time.
  4. Hi Paul it is a 2007 model,the method of using the old outer is what i have done in the past i was wondering if the tool would be a bit more gentle than a hammer for fitting the new bearings but as you said i could easily make one,what i was most concerned about was the tightness of the bearing fit i have a vague memory of some one saying they needed a press due to them being difficult to remove.I might have to buy a manual never needed one so far i have owned the car for 4 years done 35k and found it to be very reliable.
  5. Hi can any body tell me if C5 front wheel bearings are hard to replace i.e. do the old ones need to be pressed out or is it just the big hammer, also has anyone had any experience of this type of tool are they worth the money etc. thanks.http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/23Pc-Front-Wheel-Drive-Bearing-Removal-Installation-Tool-Kit-UK-/391307232764?hash=item5b1bba85fc:g:UtwAAOSw~bFWMyBT
  6. Hi i have a 2007 2.0 hdi c5 it has done 48000 miles the clutch bearing has started to make a noise when the pedal is pressed no clutch slip etc yet.What i am trying to find out is wether it is neccessary to change the dmf as a matter of course when the clutch is changed,the local main dealer says probably wont be required [£500 to change clutch] independant specialists are unsure some say yes some no prices from £400 for clutch to £850 for clutch and dmf .What i am worried about is agreeing to £400 for clutch and getting a much bigger bill when the car is mended,.Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated thanks.
  7. Hi i am new to citroens i have a 2007 2.0 vtr hatch the problem i have is that when i open the front doors the boot pops open apart from this i love the car any thoughts or ideas for a cure is welcome thanks
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