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  1. Its ok i found the light supply in the power block with a circuit tester but have supply but no lighting so assume the lights within radio are not working, now wondering wether a new faceplate from a scrapper will reinstate my lighting.
  2. My lighting for the radio has gone so when driving at night am in the dark so to speak with whats on or where the buttons are, can anyone confirm that the light feed is the same as the power block ie the third one down or is there another way the lighting works, im sorry this not helpful toward the steering control question that started this thread, but ive had the blocks out trying to find out what can be not connecting but to no avail. mine has the three blocks, from the bottom up-POWER/SPEAKERS/STEERING CONTROLS
  3. Pollon filters are under the dash of the front passenger footwell. Get under the glove box and behind the undercover, the filter goes up vertically into a housing hope this helps
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