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  1. Thanx John, it is an AX 954cc manual. Boot has only opened today, when noise was noticed so I hope damage may be minimal. I haven't got time to repair myself so its into an independant garage. Estimating an hours work + parts? Chris
  2. Hi, me gain (already) Just heard a rotational noise from front wheels, even when in neutral, so looked under, found passenger side outer CV joint gater has dropped all its grease over the inside of the wheel and brakes. Anyone know how much in garage? Hope its just the CV gater repair kit needed, or maybe whole drive shaft arm if damage has been doen to outer joint. Thanx Chris
  3. Oopps, yes sorry, its a mere 954cc manual AX. Thanx, Chris.
  4. Hi guys, anyone experienced a slight misfire (hiccup) when lifting off the accelerater pedal. Like when you lift off when cruising at 65mph as the road is flat or downhill? Any idea what causes this? Thanx, Chris.
  5. Andy, Did you get it sorted? Mine OK now = alternator refurb. Chris
  6. Hi Andy I am no expert but.... Our AX has today cut out when driving along, applying the indicators seemed to cause it to stop. Further exam showed it would jump start OK every time but stop soon after taking off the jump leads. So, looks like alternator problem, confirmed as low output when connecting up a voltmeter. So, whats this to do with your problem? Well, doing reserach I found comments to show if alternator is failing then consumption increases as alternator feed the EMU and makes the mixture rich. We too have noticed an increase in fuel use. Your dodgy lamps may also indicate alternator failure. Although it could be the voltage regulator only in the alternator at fault. Hope this helps, as I said I am no expert. Chris
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