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Everything posted by oldlowie

  1. Having the same problem with my petrol VTR+ - bought new in June 2006 and just shy of a modest 12000 miles. In most respects it is a great car, and a joy to drive. The clutch has always been high, but lately has started to slip. Have had to stop resting my foot on the pedal between in-traffic gear changes. Took it to Olds in Yeovil, the mechanic who test drove it with me agreed there was a fault, and it was booked in. One hour later I was phoned and advised there was 'no problem' with the car. When I pointed out that the lad who drove it said there was, I was told a 'consultant technician' had looked at the car and declared the clutch to be working normally. When I went to collect the car the Service Manager was 'too busy' to see me , leaving the poor girl on Reception to explain how my slipping clutch was perfectly normal! This is a classic car manufacturers cover-up, and I doubt anyone will get their clutches replaced. I have owned Citroens for 10 years (I still rue the day I sold my Berlingo - cracking car!) I will be buying an Astra or Focus next I expect...
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