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About Nrog

  • Birthday 02/09/1981

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  1. Thanks for the replies. Perhaps it is just the size of the engine -vs- size of the car. Does anybody know if the 2.0l (2009 onwards) is as economical? I'd like to stick with a C5 but would like to feel abit more power from it.
  2. Thanks Paul. Yes, Rigbyes were the only ones to actually listen and look out for what I was saying, rather than just plug it in and say all was fine. I'm naturally sceptical about taking any cars into main dealers and some independents as we've had bad experiences of being ripped off, but three weeks on it seems to have solved the problem. Just need to understand where the turbo should kick in now??
  3. Hi, Bit of a late reply, but if you still have the vehicle, I have experienced exactly the same problem. I also have a 1.6hdo 110bhp C5. It was like a flat spot around 1500rpm which jerked/juddered just like a misfire but in a split second. Nobody could diagnose a fault until I took it on recommendation to a Citroen Specialist. It turned out to be the Turbo Vac Solenoid and cost about £45 +vat. The problem used to happen several times daily but since fited it hasnt happened once (touch wood!). Good luck!
  4. Hi, Can anybody tell me at what point the turbo should kick in on a 2009 1.6hdi 110bhp? It's done 64k miles with a FSH. Mine kicks in around 2000rpm on the dot which means I have to drive it hard if I want to feel the turbo? I dont drive my cars hard and generally like to change gear around 2000-2500rpm as I drive for economy. The overall drive although really smooth feels slow and im wondering if there is a turbo lag? On the service history I got with the vehicle, the previous owner had it into Citroen main dealer reporting that he felt it 'lacked power' but the come back from then was 'no fault found'. I've had a problem previously with a flat spot but that has since been rectified by replacing the Turbo Vac Solenoid (see my other post). The car still feels like it is underpowered in general, although once the turbo does kick in it's absolutely fine. We have a Renault Scenice 1.5dci 106bhp which feels much nippier and makes me think it cant just be how the Citroen should be normally? I'm not overly technical and I'm not a mechanic, but any advice would be appreciated.
  5. Hi, I'm relatively new to the forum but wanted to share my experience.... I have a 2009 C5 1.6hdi that I bought with 60k miles on back in August. I bought the car from an Arnold Clark (I know!) Renault dealer because it was such a high spec / nice looking car. It has a service history with 4 stamps and had been serviced the month before I bought it (presumable when it was traded in to them). Within a week of picking it up I had noticed a flat spot / hesitation when accelerating at around 1500rpm. The characteristic was almost like a judder where you would acceleate lightly and the power would come, but then it would drop for a millisecond and then come back in. This would happen a couple of times litterally within a second. I had the car back into Arnold Clark who said there was nothing wrong and gave it me back. I experienced the fault again on the journey home, and it was a daily occurance thereafter. I complained to Arnold Clark who had it in another few times, road tested it over 2 days with their senior technician and service manager driving it but apparantly they could not reproduce the fault. MPG has always been fine at around 47-50mpg around town and much better on a motorway if driven at 65-70mph or under. Anything higher and it drops as you'd expect. Arnold Clark took it into a main Citroen dealer and all they did was plug it in and say no fault found. I was really frustrated with this as the vehicle would constantly show up this flat sput at arpound 1500rpm (crusing at around 40mph in 5th or when changing gears, 2nd to 3rd, 3rd to 4th etc). My finance company even paid for an independant inspection of the vehicle which surprise surprise showed up no fault. I googled the fault and looked for a Citroen specialist in the Lancashire area who I could take it to. I found Savoy Garage near Burnley, Lancs and he had a look and did a full Lexia diagnostics check for me. It didnt show up any faults, but he took the time to chat to me about it and referred me to Rigbye's Citroen (Main Daler) in Chorley. I took it there and they plugged it in (no fault found!!), but the mechanic came out for a drive with me and experienced the fault just once, which was enough. He diagosed the Turbo Vac Solenoid and replaced it for me there and then (about £45 +vat). Ever since, the car has been fine and touch wood I have not experinced the flat spot again since. Bear in mind this was a daily occurance and it's been around 3 weeks now. Arnold Clark agreed to cover the cost of the diagnostics plus the part (£130 in total) and I am now happy. It was so frustrating not to be believed! I just wanted to share my experience incase anybody else had a similar problem and was looking for a solution?
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