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Everything posted by gifted1

  1. Thanks for the replies. It's a full version of lexia which is already activated. It isn't the vin no as I need to enter this code so that I can program the bis with the vin. Nobody I have spoken to has ever had this so I beginning to think that this may have to go to the Nelson main dealer to get sorted.
  2. Greetings, got a 'small' issue with Lexia. I've been using Lexia and PP2000 for quite some time, but i've just aquired a Picasso 1.8 petrol that had a BSI fault. Sent it off to BBA reman, expecting them to fix it and leave the dataon it. However, they virginised it so now i need to re program it. However, when connecting Lexia and going into the BSI, i am presented with a screen that i've never seen before. (see pic) I've read about a 4/5 digit code for picasso's, but this needs a 16 digit code. Has anyone seen this before? Got any ideas what it code be? Gratefull for any help i can get. Thanks in advance Brad
  3. Hello everyone. Not so much new to this site as browse through it regularly, but nave never joined. (well, i do own two French cars) Just 'acquired' a picasso that's giving me grief, but not for long.
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