Citroen c5 2003 2.0 hdi always run fine.Up until last week, started engine and engine management light came on and stayed on.The car wouldnt rev past 2800 rpm was driving home engine cut out and wouldnt start again, i then waited 10-15 mins car started drove at 2800 revs,also broke down once more after this on way home same thing happened again. Took it to a friends garage and put on diagnostic, Here is the list of faults :- CODE PO246 TURBO PRESSURE MEASURED TOO LOW CODE P1537 ACCLERATOR POSITION SIGNAL, ACCELERATOR PEDAL JAMMED CODE PO380 ADDITIONAL HEATING CIRCUIT SHORT CIRCUIT TO EARTH OR OPEN CIRCUIT CODE 1112 FUEL PRESSURE INFORMATION DETECTION OF HIGH PRESSURE LEAK CODE P0100 MASS AIRFLOW SENSOR SHORT CIRCUIT TO BATTERY POSITIVE CODE P1138 FUEL PRESSURE SENSOR INCORRECT CODE P0235 TURBO PRESSURE SIGNAL SHORT CIRCUIT TO POSITIVE OR VALUE TOO HIGH I will also add this garage cleared codes car was running fine and revving up no problem, drove it 3 mile home after this and car cut out again just outside my home and engine management light came on got it started again after 10 mins and drove it in my drive.Then switched it off took key out of ignition engine stopped 2 second after key was out of ignition lock. Don't think all these faults are right, i think the fault itself is causing all these codes with a knock on effect? If anyone could help would be much appreciated please and thanks in advance Regards John