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  1. I know its a long time since this was posted but i'm also getting the same problem. I know its not the immobiliser because it hasn't got one and if i keep trying to start it by flicking ignition on/off i can get it back, sometimes just leaving it a while sorts it out. This makes me think its a sticky relay but what relay controls the fuel cut off and glow heaters?
  2. Had a lot of trouble starting recently but 10 mins of trying usually got it going accompanied buy loads of smoke. Put in some new glow plugs and problem solved until less than a 1000 miles later. Thirst thoughts are, seeing as the starting it and clouds of smoke are the same, is that the glow plugs have gone again but what would burn all of them out in such short time? Any help, ideas grateful for Andy
  3. Sorry to be a pest but what should the little red light be doing above the radio? It used to flash all the time now it only comes on when I press the interior emitter mute button! I've got a feeling that the alarm is working but not being activated as I'm locking it buy key as fob batteries seem to be flat. But that still doesn't explain how the alarm LED used to always flash but not now. :angry:
  4. Thanks Dave that’s a great help. I have only just recently got this car so I know very little about it and don’t have the owner’s manual. Any one know where I can get one of those from or a download? It’s a 1.9LX TD. I figured the lights problem was an alarm error of some kind so I found the fuse for it, pulled it out, turned ignition on, then put the fuse back in and that seems to have sorted it with regards to the lights flashing but not sure if the alarm is actually working now! Is that the button that has something to do with muting the interior ultrasonic emitter?
  5. Recently got this car and the radio never work and figured it was the fuse as it had no life to it what so ever. I had to pull each fuse out one by one to find which one it was and of course it was the last one I tried. The problem now is when a door gets opened or the ignition gets turned on or off the head lights flash for about 30 seconds. Any one know what this is and how to solve it? Also the radio has lost its code so where do I get that from?
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