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  1. Paul I had the blower problem, replaced the resistor pack (well had it repaired) but now the fan doesnt stop completely when the control is zero'd. Is this correct and I simply have not heard it because of the trim covering it, or do I have a fault in the dash control pack - your input would be valued. Ian
  2. I will however investigate the C5 link Paul, it was one model I had not considered as engine shareing Thanks Ian
  3. Thanks, I have tried the CD mounted manuals, but I have a severe reluctance to introducing programs I have no knowledge of into my computer. The first set I bought took the best part of a day to load into my lap top and corrupted it so badly I had to have it sent away to rebuld, the second attempt, again 3 CD's, all looking like they had been used for god knows what before they came to me, they were not even the same make or even in proper cases. In light of that, I decided to write off the cost as I did not trust the vendor.. Ian
  4. The ongoing problem of finding a hard copy of the repair manual for Series 2, HDi 110 powered Hatch is annoying, the internet sourced manual on discs come, in my experience on at least 3 discs (usually mis-matched) and demand down loading of a programme from an unknown source. I have a belt and pump change due on my hatch, so my question is which Picasso has a compatable engine so I can get a Haynes to work effectively on the motor ? Ian
  5. It might seem a dumb question, but is your windscreen in good condition and clean ? The sensor for the auto lighting is up in the 'black' area behind the rear view mirror, if that is damaged (stone chip) or dirty it could be confusing the control unit Ian
  6. I had the whole blower on maximum issue with my HDi 110 hatch (late 02 reg) got the diode pack replaced and the range of fan speeds are back, whoop whooo. The fan now runs slowly on the Zero setting. I have just replaced the switch panel with one sourced from a Car dismantler, and IT STILL DOES IT ! Grrrrrr But here is the question, does the Series 2 have positive ventilation, ie a slow speed fan as the default setting and I have simply not heard it before as the trim panel was on ? Any input would be good before I go back to the car parts man and ask him to try again :P Ian
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