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About c3pete

  • Birthday 02/25/1950

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  • Interests
    Marine engineering,Locksmithing,HGV Driving

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks Paul
  2. Hi Paul Have managed to connect the R/H indicator now thanks. The wires run down the R/H side of the car and can be accessed just inside the R/H rear door, just spliced into the wire and ran it round to the relay unit. Just got to splice into the power supply now and that should be it :-) Cheers Pete I will try and find the service Citroen site and register.
  3. Hi Paul Thanks again for your reply and advice. If the wires as suspected run under the head lining, then they have to come out into the loom on the nearside? I have tested these wires( which i have not already connected into) the colours of which are grey x 2,yellow and orange (twisted together),white x 2, green/yellow x 2, purple, pink, orange, red. and cannot find the R/H indicator supply. Dropping the head lining is not an easy option as the two securing "plugs" do not want to budge and I do not want to wreck the lining. So as you say I am left with the option of running a wire down behind the plastic trim at the bottom of the boot. Problem here is how to feed the wire? Do I feed it through the rubber grommet where the R/H light cluster wires enter the body and hope that the wire drops down behind the plastic trim in the R/H corner of the boot? I am not really bothered about the fog light, it is just this R/H indicator which is the pain. Shame that there is not a wiring diagram out ! Cheers Pete
  4. Hi Paul Sorry to trouble you again but I am having problems locating the R/H indicator wire in the loom. The colour on the light cluster is green but it obviously changes colour between there and the place where it joins the loom in the L/H side of boot. I am assuming that the wire is the same thickness and having checked wires of that calibre I still cannot find the one for the R/H indicator. I have found the wires for the Brake lights,L/H indicator, L & R/H rear lights However I still need a pick up wire for the fog and R/H indicator lights which are driving me nuts! I have fitted towbars to Fords, Toyotas, Nissans, etc. but have never encountered such problems as this vehicle :-(. I have tried looking for the "wiring number" on the R/H indicator unit but it is not at all clear and the fog light colour is pink but that must change colour somewhere along the line. Maybe the R/H indicator wire runs down the R/H side of the car? Thanks again for your help Cheers Pete
  5. Thank you very much for the information and must admit I had not thought about informing the insurance Co, who as you suggest would use that as a "tool" in the event of a claim. I have a bit of a problem with the removal of the access panels as I do not want to damage them and also I need to identify the constant 12v supply at the glove compartment as i will be fitting a bypass relay (TT17-2). Am I right in my assumption that the wires for all the rear lights run down the left hand side and hence there is no need to disturb the righthand access panels in the boot. Really grateful for all your help. Regards Pete PS Are there any pictures of the removal of panels and access points for wires online? :unsure:
  6. Hi Having recently bought a 2010 C3 Picasso (Exclusive) I have decided to fit a towbar for my small trailer. I have fitted towbars on all my previous cars, but this is the first Citroen. I am hoping that someone can advise me of the procedure for wiring in the relay unit please? Cheers
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