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  1. Changing down is normal when running down hill mine changes down as soon as i brake and then stays in that gear until you accelerate again needing more revs to change back up than on the flat,this is great for saving the brakes as the engine is taking the strain It is occasionaly odd but hey its french !!I would change the oil and filter cant do any harm
  2. Can any one tell me how many of these in right hand drive were imported to uk?Phoned citroen coventry ,they told me dealer would have info.local dealer(aka muppet) said they are very rare!but he could find me a C6 if I was interested.!!so citroen uk must be getting rid of theirs?
  3. Hello everyone,been enjoying your forum for a few years and using the help and advice to great effect on my 2.2 C5 exclusive estate now with 190000 on the clock so had loads of "issues" over the years!!For the last 12 months tried to buy a 3.0X7 tourer and at last got one,so now ive got more expensive "issues".Does anyone know how many of these were imported?Not dumping my 2.2 will still be used daily, cant beliieve the difference in the overall driving experience .Any how looking forward to future "issues" of no doubt there will be many??Hapiness is(should be) a C5.. Paul
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