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Everything posted by Robhall77

  1. Just had two front valve stems crumble on replacing the tyres. The tyre fitters said it was a frequently seen problem with these TPMS valves. I have been quoted £180 each. A look on ebay reveals that you can obtain just the valve stems and a video shows how easy it is to replace them as long as the sensor package is not damaged. Stem replacement kit is £9.99 including everything you need to carry out the replacement presuming the tyres are off. Beauty is that the system does not need recoding. The process is due to take place on Friday so I will let you know the result. I have practiced on the two sensors so far removed and replaced with conventional valves temporarily. Practice consisted of removing the stems from the sensor without damage. Very easy.
  2. On an XM that I owned, this behaviour was traced to a faulty o ring of one of the rear struts. Because the high pressure o ring seal, the one closest to the suspension sphere on the suspension piston was not sealing, high pressure suspension fluid was passing straight to the leakage return tube and back to the reservoir. That means it's easy to diagnose, check the return flow to the reservoir by looking in the top of the reservoir. Any significant flow indicates a problem. The fluid leaks and the suspension drops, the height sensor caused high pressure feed to the rear spheres and the suspension goes up, leakage drops it etc. it was cycling up and down at about 3 cycles per minute.
  3. The manual suggests that you can obtain a second SIM card with the same telephone number as your phone sim on request to your provider. Any calls will then go to whichever phone is switched on. The suggestion is to put your sim from the phone into the car sim slot first to copy over your address book. I don't think that this works for the iPhone as it doesn't hold or seem to enable copy of the address book to the SIM card. Only just got the car and as yet haven't completed the process!
  4. Name: Citroen C5 Tourer (2008) Date Added: 03 December 2013 - 06:05 PM Owner: Robhall77 Short Description; 2.7 v6 diesel leather interior View Vehicle
  5. Am 66, live in Hampshire and have had a number of French cars including previously owned citroens, an ID19, a DS21 efi Pallas, a GS 1015 cmatic and a 1220, a mk1 XM v6 and a mk2 XM v6. I now own a 2008 c5 tourer 2.7. First impressions are that is a lovely car that meets my needs perfectly.
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