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Everything posted by Larkspeed

  1. Name: Citroen Xsara Picasso (2000) Date Added: 13 January 2016 - 07:54 AM Owner: Larkspeed Short Description: None Provided http://www.citroen-owners-club.co.uk/citroen/uploads/garage_images/image_url-90868-1452671655_thumb.jpg View Vehicle
  2. I need to change the front pads on my 98 Xantia 1.8 8v According to the manual I just pull the split pin out of the lower retaining pin, extract the pin and then rotate the caliper about it's top mounting bolt. My problem is even after the split pins are removed I cannot get either retaining pin to budge, they are seized solid. Does anyone have any idea how I can get these out? I have already tried soaking them with WD40 and that did not do the trick. I don't care about destroying the pins because I have a new mounting set so new pins to go in their place.
  3. I did check for leaks and there are none the linkages also move freely and the cable has the correct tension. Like i say my 406 did the exact same thing so i assume it's normal i just wanted to be sure from another xsara owner.
  4. 1998 Xsara 1.8 16v When accelerating up through the gears when I clutch to change up there is a slight delay between the time I push in the clutch and the time the revs drop, this means I have to shift slower than I have in any other car to allow the revs time to come down or it's a rough gear change. This delay is not apparent when decelerating and shifting down through the gears. Before my current Xsara I had a Peugeot 406 with exactly the same engine and it did the same thing so I'm assuming it's normal but I suppose it's possible that engine had the same fault if it is one. I had never owned a Peugeot or Citroen before these two cars so I have no way of knowing if it's normal or a fault.
  5. Thanks that's exactly what I wanted to know, he has already told me that the bars fold down and the foot rests come off so should be no problem then :)
  6. I would but he is not capable of doing much once he is out of the chair, he is going to see if he can find out the folded size but I just figured maybe someone on here had tried to put a wheelchair in one and could of told me if it fit or not. Much less hassle that way.
  7. I have a 1998 Xsara 1.8 16v hatchback. I have a friend coming over from the UK to visit for a couple of weeks and he is in a wheelchair. Can anyone tell me if a standard wheelchair fits in the back of a Xsara without putting the seats down. I have to pick him up from the airport with his chair but all seats will be in use so it has to fit in the back or I have to come up with a different car to collect him. I don't know anyone else in a wheelchair so I have no way to check.
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