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Classic cars. Caravaning. Travel
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Another day gone trying.To load Lexia. Deamon 4.5 needed so I installed, but discovered 4.5 does not work on xp32bit as recommended. A bit of a nightmare really. Has enyone else had problems? It it all worth the effort?
Getting Diagbox to expand. I'm not a computer techie, but got this software a couple of weeks ago. Also got a laptop,xp32bit.However when I try to extract using WINRAR I get error message "unknown format or damaged" Does anybody have a suggestion. Most frustrating as cannot get past the first hurdle.
I'm going to follow this thread. Very occasionally. My rear end falls to the bottom stop.and will only rise again by me raising then lowering to normal with the console switches. However if I load the car with people or attach my caravan the suspension lowers significantly and does not adjust automatically. I have to raise and lower using the switches. The car then drives fine. Busy trying to load Lexia3 onto an xp laptop. It's a nightmare.
C5 X7 Saloon: Centre/high Brake Light Out/flickering
xpag replied to Higgo's topic in Problems and Fixes - C5
09 C5. Traced mine back to the actual lamp which is wired in parallel with the n.s. brake light. The hardest and most nerve racking part of the job was getting excess to the actual lamp. Then carfully sepatating the front cover to expose the leds. Turned out to be corrosion. A good clean up and all was good to go again. -
Another bullseye. John sorry if my responce was a bit unfair. It was only after I responded, did I realise what you ment by raising the boot floor. Obviously you ment in unison with the rest of the cars rear end. I initially had some strange vision.... Anyway Paul was spot on. All worked well and as described. So no more worries. Thank you both very much.
Hi John To clarify:- On opening the rear door (tourer) I have a 12 volt outlet and a switch on the drivers side above the wheel arch which has 2 simbols 1 showing a wheel almost retracted into the wheel arch (low body position) and another symbol with the wheel low in the wheel arch High body position. This switch according to the handbook raises and lowers the CAR. It does not give a reason or under what circumstances it is opperational I.e. engine running or with the ignition on. However I assumed it duplicated the functions of the 2 switches either side of the sport mode switch near the drivers armrest. As I state in my initial post all the drivers switches function well. Height visbly changes. Rear switch over drivers side wheel arch----Nothing happens. Not aware the boot floor can move nor would this be desirable. Hi Paul Thanks for you previous assistance. Raining very badly so not able to get out and check the connection to the switch. Can however confirm the caravan supply runs directly from a fused supply straight from the battery.
Hi 2009 2.7Hdi Tourer. Can anyone help? The suspention seems to work well and from the front armrest position I can alter hight and select sport setting etc. No problems. However I used the car to tow my caravan for the first time the other week and dicovered the switch at the rear of the car did nothing. Can anyone assist? Incidentally for those interested. I have been towing caravans behind various cars for over 30 years. Ford Cortinas through to Merc's. I was happy with my C8 only swopping for the need of an automatic. But this C5 is truly great. Plenty of power and very stable. An easy tow. Looking forwards to my next trip. Regards Xpag
Gentlemen Thank you both for your efforts in the recent weeks and months. I have deliberately not replied until sure all is well. Most of this episode was self inflicted. Going back to square one the relavent details :- I had some interior lights and power sockets which did not work. I removed, checked and replaced all the fuses inside the glove compartment. Found a defective fuse and replaced it. However I then found that the buglar alarm sounded after a few minutes (also clock flashed on and off needing a reset when turning on the ignition) after locking the car using the remote key fob. The bottom line was I had removed a shunt mounted in the same fusebox but was not sure I had moved it. Coastline quite correctly said move the shunt to the alternative position, however I had also been told by an old friend to find out what the shunt 's function was as it may cause damage by just moving it. Being told earlier that before checking fuses without first disconnection the battery I was now going to be very careful. Sorry Coastline. No mention is made of the shunt in the Haynes Manual or the cars handbook, and at this stage I was not going to be defeated and go to a Citroen Agent. However I had read somewhare that the later C5's incorporated some C6 goodies, so I when on the C6 site and read an artical which mentioned a shunt. and all the mal funtioning items I had were all listed as a group. It would appear (reading the artical) that the shunt is located in one position to facilitate setting up during manufacture and to disable certain items when the car is on display in a car showroom???? The alternative shunt position is the normal position. Moving it does not damage the bsi. Moving the Shunt to the Right hand location imediatedly energised the centrol locking to the open position, and everything now works as it should do. Once again thanks for your assistance. All is well. I have another minor query I hope you can help me with but I will start a separate post for clarity, and so this can be moved from the Hot files. Regards Xpag
Hi again. Not sure whats in your mind, but as fas as I know no modifications have been made to the car. keen to move this shunt but would like to know what it is supposed to do first.
Happy fuses are good. Ist time I checked under load. I e test lamp. Hazzards:- hazzerds switched on and car locked using remote key fob. Mirrors fold in as normal. Alarm does not go off. Ulock with remote mirrors fold out as normal. Hazzards off and locking car with remote key fob. Alarm goes off after 3/4 minutes. need to unlock car with key and turn on ignition to stop alarm. Alarm initially gets slightly louder befor going silent. Lock car with key, mirrors fold in as normal. Unlock car with key within 3/4 minutes, centrol locking unlocks and mirrors unfold. Lock car with key. but leave for several minutes (assume ecu has now shut down) unlock with key, mirrors do not fold out centrol locking does not work, HAZZARDS WILL NOT OPERATE until ignition switched on. Not moved the shunt yet. Do you know what it does??
Hi Paul and Coastline Taxis Once again thanks for your help so far. No wanting to give in and visit a Citroen dealer, previous experience not good. I went back to the begining.As you may remember this all started with me removing fuses with the battery still in place!!!! I re checked every fuse in the car, ALL fine. But I may have done one thing wrong and am sure you may be able to help with "The location of the shunt". Refering to fusebox C :- the horezontally mounted shunt located approx over fuses F7. F4.F3 . But dId I put it back in the right place??? Should the shunt be moved over so it is over F4 F3 and F10 ? Currently (shunt in the left 2 of three sockets) live if the ignition is switched on. If I moved it over to the right It would be live all the time. As all my problems seem to start approx 3 minutes after the ignition is switched off and the economy mode switches every thing off. I suspect the alarm and radio is loosing the permenent supply at the same time. Unfortunatelly the best I have is the Haynes Manual 2001 to 2008 whitch does not seem to show the shunt. So not sure of its function. But it is the only thing left un-checked after my first fuse removal session and the Radio and alarm worked perfectly prior to that. Now with any other car I would just move the shunt one not over to the right and see what happens, but now knowing not even the fuses can be removed without first disconnecting the battery I am very careful. Can either of you or enyone else conform the proper location for the shunt and advise if it is permently live or via the ignition. before I go further. Paul Click on send measage did not work for me. Will try again. Xpag
Back again, sorry for delay. Just to recap. Initially suffering with several interior lights and all 3 12 volt power outlets not working I removed each fuse in fusebox C. After replacing fuse F9 in F/B 6 ..... lights and cigar lighter outlet all working. Fuse for other 2 12volt outlets found in small fuse box mounted over battery located behind nearside rear wheelarch. I understand from Coastline I should have disconnected the battery before removing the fuses. As after I get all the lights etc to work the clock will not reset and the intruder alarm sets of a few minutes after I lock via the fob. Advised to reset ecu. Re set failed to improve the situation. Advised to check all fuses. Just checked every fuse (battery disconnected) re set the ecu as per proceedure. Clock and alarm still the same. Otherwise just had a weeks worth of driving a great car. Up for more suggestions. Xpag ps Paul I sent you a direct reply re caravan supply but not sure if I posted it correctly.
True gents. Most greatful for your interest. Todays efforts: My car being a tourer with the battery set just behind the nearside rearweel arch. the proceedure has to happen with the tailgate open, but I dont think this affected the outcome. The handbook simply states turn everything off before disconnecting. However to be safe I used used a DC clamp meter to help monitor things. Initially after turning everything off and timed interior lights shut off, I got a reading of. 660Ma . The 660Ma gradually fell to 6Ma after 3-4 minutes and remained at 6Ma for the next 30 mins so I disconnected. Over an hour later I reconnected. All seemed well the clock reset and the alarm did not go off when locking with the fob. 5 or so minutes later the alarm went off again and the clock was back to needing a re set. So next a bsi reset. followed the proceedure but no improvement. Note, the hold lock button on key for 10 seconds failed to get the expected 2 pleeps, turning on the side lights failed to get the lights on until after the ignition was turned on. I have noted elsewhere the bsi reset may take several attempts so will try again this weekend, unless you have other ideas. Paul your comments re towing electrics is noted, however the towbar was only fitted Monday of this week and the supply is connected direct the the battery via a 30a fuse. I could not measure any current draw when I checked the circuit today. Will keep you both posted as I want to bottom these problems and feel others following this topic may be interested in the conclusion. Once again thank you both very much.
Thank you both for your assistance. All very welcome. From reading other sections I understand Paul and I are both caravaers. Good to know. Also thanks for deleting my entry in the Xsara forum. Initially no power outlets worked:- cigy lighter and both 12 volt supply plugs, plus the 2 map lights, the vanity mirrors, glove box lights also dead.replacing the blown F9 30amp sorted all but the back seat and rear sockets. So not quite as per the handbook. F9 was almost the last fuse I checked "If you start from the right", so saw no reason not to check the last 2. This fuse removing obviously caused some other problems. If I understand you properly I need to put the eco to sleep again and wake it up with a full set of fuses??? Then the re setting of the clock should be more permenant. Just for referance I can re set, then turn off the ignition and provided the flipping economy mode does not kick in it retains the setting.Leave the car with the ignition off for 5 minutes and I am back to a flashing1st Jan again. This is quite a voyage of discovery. I have had another rumage today. I say rumage because the fuse box which contains the fuse for the 2 power outlets is not shown for the V6 Battery in the back version. Then back home to read your reply...Coastline you are almost spot on with the battery fuse box. In my case it is a small red box mounted on top of the battery. It would appear to be a 30A midi fuse 33mm between holes. I have taken a phot if you are interested? 2nd fuse in could not find a number. It's a bit like walking on eggs in case I stuff up something. Before I do anything more I am going to wait for a reply (hopefully you will be so kind) re a controlled battery disconnect and wait for internal capacitence discharge on the "black boxes". I love my Citroens but sometimes now in my late 60s wonder if I should stick to my old Jag as motoring exercise. From what you have said the Economy mode trip out voltage could be changed? No doubt I will need to go to a main agent or invest in some diagnostic equipment. So I will leave that for later. Glad to know it is possible. Very annoying to have a battery full of volts and something pulled the switch. The alarm:- I had exactly the same problem with my C8, and for almost a year just locked it using the key in the door. Then one day my wife borrowed it and just used the fob in the normal way. Never did a thing but it was perfect therafter. Thanks for your suggestion Paul re door sencors, does this mean more than one sencor per door? Because I get the usual door open warnings when I turn on the ignition. So assume it must be something else. Can the system be imobilised yet able to use the fob, or is this something else that may sort itself after I put the eco to sleep? One other thing. Battery charging. All advise seems to suggest ALWAYS disconnect the battery. It was my habit to charge the C8 battery while still connected to the car. Admittedly this was restricted to a max of 2A and limited to 13.8 volts. Before charging, I found leaving the car for 2 weeks or more left the battery a bit low. It always started but on a cold day it was like me on a cold morning.. a bit reluctant. Is the C5 anymore of a risk? Once again many thanks to both of you.
Hi Folks First time on this forum today and think I posted in the wrong place. Think I have it this time. Just had the C5 a week after years of various Citroens including 5 years with a C8 which I thought had got me up to speed living with French electrics? Initialy had a few non working items on the C5. Interior lights except main center(door operated). Turned out to be just a fuse but not the fuse as listed in the handbook.But by the time I had removed every fuse in fusebox C I found I had created new problems:- The clock : I can reset the clock,date etc. But when I next turn on the ignition I am back to a flashing screen and needs to be re set. Can enyone assist. Also originaly I could use the key to lock the car without the alarm going off. (I think possibly inhibited by the previous owner) Now very soon after locking the care using the remote, the alarm starts after less than a minute "Usually just after I have got into the House". I can only stop The alarm by inserting key into ignition . Locking the car with key in lock meathod does not activate the alarm. Never been a fan of economy mode on the C8 but the C5 is pathetic. 3mins Radio is my alocation of power. Battery checked at Halfords ALL GOOD, plus my own meter which reads 12.65volts even after deliberately leaving the car unused for 2 days. Last :- Still cannot find the fuse for the 2 accessary sockets. All help welcome. Thanks in antisipation Xpag