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Everything posted by T1Cybernetic

  1. Ah sorry I forgot to say, My prices are with a 25% discount ;) (UKCN25) There are lots of discount codes available through many of the car forums around the internet, I will take a look tomorrow and if possible check the paint on my springs and see what it comes up with! Thanks for the service.citroen info, That's great to look into, From looking at that site it really does have everything, Good info and leads me in the right direction for anything Citroen C3 related.
  2. I didn't think of that ;) I might be able to get someone to loan me their C3 for a test as it happens but I think it's a petrol model, If that fails I can get a pair of springs easily enough. Although those MAD coils are pretty expensive. Anschler Coil Springs = Part Number: 627545541 For a whopping £32.86 Or some heavy duty ones. Sachs Coil Springs = Part Number: 627546000 Which come in at £54.90 which isn't so bad...
  3. Total weight with 2 people + fishing tackle is around about 5 rotund people ;) 70 Stone :D Not great for such a small car. To be fair when we do our regular shopping I have 4 people plus shopping (Half a boot full) and I get the same drop on the back end (Speed bumps aren't great) So the current springs are probably past their sell by date, They aren't broken though luckily. The car has done 164000 miles and I don't know how old the springs are so just new ones could make life better. I just figured I would kill two birds with one stone, Buy some new springs and have them be Heavy Duty ones to be absolutely sure!
  4. I do a lot of fishing and since changing car's to my current C3 I am almost touching the inside arches when me and my friend goes fishing. I have found a couple of places that sell C3 Heavy Duty rear Springs so I wondered if any of you had them fitted and is it worth the change? Will it cure my problem...
  5. Where can I get some replacement lights for my C3 :) I have a water problem like many and I would rather put some new ones in right now because the motors are starting to get a bit noisy (Squealing) Standard or a decent after market set would be awesome over the current ones.
  6. I am looking for parking sensors too ;) Ebay looks like a great place and there are some very cheap sets to buy but which ones :D
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