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Everything posted by colinlaughton

  1. Hello everyone, I would really appreciate help with this one... I have a 55 plate C8 110bhp model (I know I know). I have had a loss of power problem at low revs which NO garage has been able to find so obviously it does not show on their computers as an error... Basically, at around 2000rpm, in 3rd travelling at 30mph (your normal driving speed and gear in traffic) the car will 'kangaroo' and the accelerator will have no effect momentarily. You can only rectify the situation by pressing the pedal to increase the revs and eventually they kick in and the car runs normally again but you are not speeding and need to slow down. The problem is so bad that pulling away you often need around 5000 rpm so that it does not stall. The feeling is very similar to a car with incorrect timing, as you increase the power from the pedal the car actually feels like it is slowing down???? The issue comes and goes, you are never sure when it will come nor can you predict when it will go. It does go, eventually and the car runs relatively well but when the problem is there you have to be on the ball so that you do not stall in traffic. I have also noticed a heavy smell from the car when the problem is happening, sometimes a lot of smoke but not to the point of massive clouds like you see from some older diesels. I am at my ends trying to find a solution!! I thought is could indeed be the timing belt slipping but have been told this is not possible due to teeth on the belt. Then I have considered fuel pump??? Any ideas? Many, many thanks
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