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Everything posted by wayne.wep@gmail.com

  1. I eventually traced the problem- if I follow wiring diagrams to find the power source for all of the items which gave faults when it cut out, it led me to the main relay which is next to the ecm. I ordered a new one from the agents and no more problems! for once it was a time consuming head scratcher and not a huge expense!
  2. If you aren't experiencing any slippage or noises from the gearbox, I would suggest 2 routes of remedy: 1st I would get it onto a diagnostic and see if there are any fault codes coming up for the transmission. These vehicles are prone to valve body electronic solenoid issues and normally put up a fault code giving an indication of where to aim. A speed sensor issue could often cause a delayed change as it cannot read the vehicle speed. 2nd I would consider an oil and filter change in the gearbox. Make sure the correct grade of oil is used as they are fussy little gearboxes! Hope this helps!
  3. Hey there, Is it specific to any gear or only lower gears? Trying to establish if it is a gearbox noise or an engine whine. Does it seem to increase with load, speed, engine revs? Is your car an auto or manual? Let me know and I'll see what I can help with!
  4. Hi everyone, I have a Xsara Picasso 1.8 16v petrol. Within the last 18months it has had a new key, a new throttle body and now I am having cutting out problems again. I have been told by Citroen that it may be the egr valve. What are the symptoms of a faulty egr on a petrol engine? I have had experience with them on the diesels but not on petrol vehicles. The vehicle will drive perfectly, sometimes for up to 60km's then suddenly will cut out. The engine management light comes on and it slows down to a stop. I have a diagnostic and drove with it connected until this happened. My initial thought was crank sensor but when it wont start the crank sensor reads the 200-odd rpm during cranking. It immediately comes up with an arms length of faults: canister bleed electrovalve control - open circuit Ignition coil 1 control No spark (also same for other 3 cylinders) Injector control 1 Open Circuit or Short Circuit to- (also same for other 3 cylinders) Upstream oxygen sensor heating control Downstream oxygen sensor heating control Exhaust gas recycling (EGR) regulation Air pump relay control Open circuit I suspected the inertia switch and replaced it but no luck. I very much doubt that all of these circuits can fail at the same time so am looking for a common relay or other power source that may be giving this very intermittent fault. If anyone has had any similar issues, your help would be greatly appreciated! Pulling my hair out with a vehicle that I love but good feeling is going! :(
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