Hi Paul, Sounds bad, and another example of what we have been concerned about. I eventually got a reply from customer services and was trying to get around to posting it. Anyway, here it is: Hi Alan Thanks for speaking to me yesterday and today and for providing your feedback. I’ve included the response in the body of this email from the developers. Hill Start Assist is designed to help you in the event of a hill start. As a result it kicks in where you’d normally have to use the handbrake to stop from rolling back excessively. You wouldn’t normally use the handbrake and perform a hill start on only a slight incline, even if you do roll back ever so slightly. On a manual gearbox it’s not difficult to pull away correctly from a very slight incline. However, on the previous model, the EGS version had hill start assist that kicked in on even slight inclines because of the delay in take-up of the transmission of this gearbox. Because the new ETG gearbox has a creep function (i.e. it naturally wants to move forwards like a traditional fully automatic gearbox), it doesn’t roll back on slight inclines anymore and the hill assist function therefore isn’t required in this situation. We’ve tested on a variety of inclines and all performed exactly as they should. That is to say on a normal flat road or very slight incline the hill start function remained off. On a steeper incline where you’d consider using the handbrake, the hill assist function activated as it should. Bear in mind that if the hill start function activated every time you stopped, the slight pause as the brakes disengaged when you pull off would get very annoying! The only advice I can offer in using the function is to ensure you come to a complete stop with your foot on the brake to activate it, rather than simply rolling to a stop. The ECO function takes a split second to start the engine, leading to a momentary lapse before drive is re-engaged. It’s possible to de-activate ECO via the Touch Drive Interface or alternatively release the brake pedal momentarily to re-start the engine, and then release the pedal fully to move off without rolling backwards. I hope this information is useful in the operation of this function and thank you again for providing your valued feedback. Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance. Kind regards Gary Kilmurry Customer Support Manager 0844 463 3500 I replied to the effect that that even so, the system is not fit for purpose and might as well not be fitted. In the light of your experience it is clearly dangerous as it is, and really needs to be re-thought. Thanks for keeping us all informed. Best wishes, Alan