Hi rickhough Nice to hear from you. Glad you can live with the alert, though I don't like the idea of "limp home" mode for 20 stop/restarts! I've never had this even with the session of alerts suffered a year or so ago. For cold start, I now regularly turn on the ignition, count to 30 before I try to turn over the engine. This seems to work 99 out of 100 times. I did get the garage to change a lot of gubbins: new lamda sensor (twice), reprog software for Russian version (cos' the problem used to be mainly during the winter - but I don't think we get anything like their weather at the worst of times), new plugs (twice!), now have two prong versions). As I say I rarely get this fault, though once I had to wait to pull out of my drive and the engine started misfiring, so I stopped, turned off waited and started again and it fixed the bad running but left an alert up. I took no notice and it went away after about 6-10 restarts. Once or twice I've had an "Auto Gearbox Fault" flash up. Another was ABS Fault. just as I was driving to the MOT - heart in mouth I carried on, but the fault wasn't present when they tested the car and it flew through. But nothing ever came of either of these false alerts. I must admit I don't take much notice of alerts any more, because they seem to be too easily promoted. Like one contributor said, in the days before digits, a drop of water would get into the fuel, the engine would cough, recover and drive on, none the wiser. Nowadays that same drop of water would raise a question in the computer parliament and the software would have to debate it for a month or two, before ignoring it. Software is too broadbrush and causes more sleepless nights than I've got left! Keep taking the Valium Regards garryd