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  1. The 4HP20 transmission is made by ZF in Germany. I have noticed that many people are confusing and wondering what fluid to use for those transmissions. Many manufactures uses transmissions from ZF. All of those manufactures are only recommending "their fluid" as the only ones suitable for those transmissions. If in doubt, then it is always safest to check what the manufacturer tells is okay for their own production. This you can do by visiting their homepage www.zf.com Then look up "Manual transmissions, double-clutch transmissionsand automatic transmissions for cars" > and click on the TE-ML 11 link. Now look up the transmission you desire to find what fluids the manufacture recommends for it. In this case we are looking at the 4HP20: It needs fluid categorized as Lubricant class 11B: Here is list of manufactures and undertype of fluid they provide in their product line, and ZF recommends for this type of transmission: AMALIE PETROQUIMICA, MADRID/ES - ATF DEXTRON III ARAL AG, BOCHUM/DE - ARAL GETRIEBEÖL ATF LD BP PLC., LONDON/GB - BP AUTRAN LTF CASTROL LTD, LONDON/GB - CASTROL TRANSMAX Z DEUTSCHE PENTOSIN WERKE GMBH, WEDEL/DE - PENTOSIN ATF 1 ENI S.P.A., ROME/IT - AGIP DEXRON III EXXONMOBIL CORPORATION, FAIRFAX, VA/US - MOBIL ATF D 21065 EXXONMOBIL CORPORATION, FAIRFAX, VA/US - MOBIL ATF LT 71141 KUWAIT PETROLEUM INTERNATIONAL LUBRICANT, ANTWERP/NL - Q8 AUTO 15 TOTAL LUBRIFIANTS S.A., NANTERRE/FR - TOTAL FLUIDE AT 42 YACCO SAS, ST PIERRE LES ELBEUF/FR - ATF III ZF FRIEDRICHSHAFEN AG, FRIEDRICHSHAFEN/DE - ZF LIFEGUARDFLUID 5 ...Of course there is in some cases that those fluid manufactures are now selling the same product under different undertype name. But usually it is easy to get this type of information from the local distributor or simply look it up, using the Internet.
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