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bob lawrence

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  1. Yes, should have said, it's a 2058 new shape which I understand is the first year the new model came out. I would like information regarding removing the headlight to replace the motor please. The o/s headlight shines a lot lower than the n/s so not sure how this would affect mot. Thanks for taking trouble to reply.
  2. the off side headlight motor has stopped working, and I understand it is fitted inside the headlight. I can't find anything on YouTube or google showing how to remove it, can anyone help. Thanks
  3. Hi and thanks for the replies. In the end I had to take the car to the local auto electrician. Just as well as it turns out it because it wasn't the resistor but the battery that was faulty, he said he didn't know how it was able to start the car. The computer had reverted to 'economy mode' so the heater motor was one of the things it had chosen to run slow. He also said it was a better type of resistor, not one he would have expected from others he has changed and should be more reliable as resistors are a common fault. Just thought I would pass this info on because had I continued and changed the resistor I would have been no further on.
  4. Thanks but I have only found three, two to the left when the fuse holder cover is removed and one at the very back of the glove box, I can't see any others and no obvious panels, or plastic covers which can be removed allowing access to others. Having removed the three screws that I can see the glovebox still has no movement, suggesting there are others. Have you any idea where any others may be. Thanks
  5. Hi, I also have problems with my heater fan motor. C5 2008 (new shape). It does run but only slowly and I suspect it is the resistor but cannot locate it, although I have been told the glove box has to be removed which I have tried, just to see if it is there, but after removing the only screws I can see, it won't budge. So I would like some help in removing the glovebox, if indeed it has to be removed.
  6. No further problems until the day when I was due to take it in then cut out 5 times that day!! Warranty did in fact cover this fault which would have cost £196. Can't fault my local Dealer, bought from dealership 25 miles from home but able to take it in to local dealer. Changed fuse box and even washed the car.
  7. Hi, thanks for replying, yes, fault occurred yesterday and first thing I did this morning. Level ok. Since this posting have been making enquiries and my local garage checked with diagnosis and came up with fault code P0215 along with a description which seemed unrelated to the fault. Input this code on line and others with same fault pointed to fuse box under bonnet. Rang dealership and they said fuse box, I was given a 12 months warranty with the car which covers this fault, luckily. Now booked in for next Wednesday, keep you posted.
  8. Hi all, just joined and would like your help with the following problem. 2008 (new shape ) 2.0 HDi bought 3 months ago with 37,000 miles on clock, so have no previous knowledge. Thoroughly pleased with it but just had a fault show up, it being :- an audible warning followed by the following message 'Very low engine oil pressure' and the engine cut out. This happened when stopped at a junction quite close to home with no vehicles behind so no immediate problem to get moved. Overcame initial panic And switched ignition of then turned the key and it started ok and seemed to drive home normally, ie didn't seem to be any lack of power due to be in a limp home type mode. Besides the need to get it sorted I wonder if this could happen whilst driving, not stopped and also will be towing a caravan for a month in Europe beginning June this year. Car bought now due to previous c5 becoming unreliable and not wanting to chance it in Europe!!!!!!! Any help will be deeply appreciated Thanks Bob
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