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David McMahon

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Everything posted by David McMahon

  1. Great info, thank you very much. I just need one wheel so will just keep my eyes peeled.
  2. I'd forgotten about that. I need a wheel/set of wheels but I'll stick to 16"'s
  3. Can I fit 15" wheels on a VTR? It has 215/55/R16 wheels at the moment and want to know if cheaper 15"'s will fit? It looks like they will fit, but unsure and I know sometimes it's more complicated than just size. David
  4. +1 I had to change my crank pulley on my Peugeot 206GTi as it was eating belts.
  5. Hello Forum I have several Lexia codes for my Dad's (well 10 years young) C5 110HDi Pre-face Most important are the airbag codes so I'll start new threads with the Radio, engine and instument codes. I did a global scan and got these unclearable codes Permanent fault RH side curtain airbag igniter Open circuit Permanent fault Front RH side airbag igniter Open circuit. Does this mean I need new airbags, or perhaps the cabling is corrorded somewhere? David
  6. Thank You! :) I'll lurk a bit mostly, I have Lexia 3 / Peugeot Planet cable so hoping it will read the car (never used the Lexia part)
  7. Well Dad anyway! Just got a nice (ish) Phase 1 C5 off eBay Rough as hell but should clean up. Needs rear O/S wing sorting too but my brother does body repair so not put off. Pics to follow if wanted, it's just a very dirty silver with damaged wing and blue bumper at the moment.
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