Ok. My first personal car, Mini City. Still remember the reg. UNV 839W. Bought her at auction for £850 - part ex her for Metro, got £820! After Metro, disasterous Escort, like all fords a genuine rust bucket! Next, Renault Clio, lovely little car, upgraded to a newer Clio. Next, Peugeot 306, my dad's car when he died. Due to head gasket going got Ford Ka, (see earlier about rust!) Next, another Clio from a very shady garage, although didn't realise it at the time. Problems, problems. Only thing to do was to go back to said shady garage to part ex for another, hopefully more reliable car. Unfortunately, got another lemon - Ford Fiesta (again see earlier about rust - and this time other major problems!) Now - A wonderful C3! Bought from a very reptuable garage so have total trust. Only had her for two weeks and she's 12 years old but am absolutely sold on Citroen. Always thought Renault were the bee's knees but now I know better!