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  1. Hi ................. Don't know if anybody can throw any light on an ongoing problem i have? I have had my Xsara Picasso 2.0 Hdi 2001 for about 10 years, it has never let me down starting. Then friday before last i jumped in the car after work,turned the key, it turned over and over and didnt fire up? Never had this problem before, no symptoms on the way to work that morning, nothing. We pushed it into the company car park (a truck dealership), one of the top techs put his snap on solus on it found that it threw up a fault code P1517 ecu no key found. We tried the usual trick of reprogramming the key that was used and even that didnt work. So after he had checked every conceivable thing it could be, pump in the tank, is there fuel getting through?, relays, fuses, wiring breaks, we then went down the route of a second hand ecu and a bsi unit with a barrel and key complete with transponder unit (from a donor 2.0 Hdi 52 plate) swapped them over expecting job done, but no, and still the same fault code showing!! I am at my wits end with this now and would welcome any help or advice from anybody that has had a similar situation before. Your help is appreciated.
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