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  1. All sorted I disconnected the battery for a few hours and that cured it. :D
  2. Hi All I had a pipe come unclipped between the fuel tank and filter and apart from losing some fuel it just clipped back together and the car restarted and drove without a problem!! Except now the management light is on and refuses to go off !! Any ideas or is it a visit to the dealers to have them look at it? Thanks in advance :unsure:
  3. Thanks for that but it's an Evasion/Synergie
  4. A mobile mechanic came round a couple of weeks ago with a basic reader that said it was immobilised but that's all it did so I ordered the lexia but as I say it doesn't want to talk to the car.The fuse is good and I get a constant 12v. at the socket.
  5. Hi I've just received my Lexia and eventually got the software loaded but it wont talk to the car! I've cleaned the connections but nothing it still says connect lexia to car,the only thing I can find is if you look at the 16 pin plug (widest bit at top)and put a continuity meter on it PIN 4 from the left top row does not have a corresponding pin on the round connector but pin 5 on the 16 pin plug has 2 corresponding pins on the round plug! If you look at the round plug with the connecting clip at the top pin 5 corresponds with pins 3 & 4 going anti-clockwise from the top (I hope that makes sense).Would some kind soul out there please check if theirs is the same so I can discount the cable as the problem. http://www.frenchcarforum.co.uk/forum/images/smilies/eusa_doh.gif Thanks
  6. I found out mine was first registered in Belgium,so I phoned the original dealer and guess what!!! he gave me the code over the phone. Whoopee
  7. Does anyone know is the code just numbers or a combination of letters & numbers?
  8. No luck,the doors lock/unlock but nothing else I've got a mechanic coming round with a lexia but not until next week.
  9. Have you had any luck programming your key? can you open the doors remotely?
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