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Everything posted by dasault

  1. Hi lp2103, you could change the radio if prepared to put up with all associated problems / issues...adapters / facia panel etc. ref scratches .. doubt very much the unit is doing the scratching more like ... dust or grit in the felt brush that is at the edge of cd slot !!! blow any dust out of it and gently brush it with a soft toothbrush or similiar and then try with a blank cd and check visually for scartches.
  2. Hi aggafear, its always worth replacing the factory speakers.. usually low grade paper cone type that tend to dry out over the years, and can sound dull and dead. The frequency response is usually cut off at approx 15-18 khz... most after market speakers run to 20khz or 25 khz on really good ones. so you loose some of the high frequencies... plus the degraded sound as those paper cones get old. The factory ones are component sets... normally a tweeter on the dash and woofer in the doors.... they don't have a proper crossover network only a diode in the line to protect the tweeter... the after market ones ( the better ones ) have a crossover box that needs to be connected between the two. Thsi allows proper seperation of the frequencies... so you would need to hide that box inside the doors . i just bough a 2004 c5 and door speakers seem to be 16.5 cm ... take out the original and you should see its quite shallow... see how much depth you have with the window down and that will give you a max debth to work with. bearing in mind keeping the factory radio and your steering wheel controls.. you will need an effecient speaker 90db or higher as the factory radios don't put out much power. hope that helps
  3. Hi Hax, regardless the economy mode should switch it off after 5-6 mins? try waiting and see if it does?
  4. Hi Normsta, using an after market cd player should be no problem... vin code is usually what main dealers ask for .. because thy don't understand audio and probably need it to look up a microfiece part catalagoue or online via citroen database. If using a radio from another vehicle.. be sure you get security code / and or card if applicable.. as it can cost up to 40€ to reset code on radio. with aftermarket radios of course you will need the facia panel that fits around the radio and maybe an iso for citroen lead.. and maybe an antenna converter. another obstale the manufacturers use to keep you as a main dealer customer. STEERING wheel controls... some radio brands produce a compatible relay box that allows you to keep the steering whell controls. check it out before you buy a particular brand. as using the steering wheel is safer than a remote control...
  5. in my experience... vibration in all speakers is usually the fact the factory radio has not enough power to drive the new speakers so the vibration is actually Distortion ! be careful with the volume if radio is turned up tooo loud or loudness function is set to on .. the radio could start clipping then the speakers will blow. The second way this can happen is an upgraded head unit is fitted but speakers are not replaced... explantion : the re[placement speakers have a easier / smoother movement and will slap when the factory radio is cranked up. The better after market radios ( some ) have a damping factor built in and this controls how quickly the cone moves and stops them over extending.. this is much more effective when using a power amp.. and the better amps have a high damping factor allowing high volumes with very low distortion and ultimate control of how the speaker cone moves. Factory headunits / speakers are matched and are usually on a budget. the low wattage speakers o/e fit have usually very stiff paper cones with small magnets .. usually only requiring 2 or 3 watts to drive them . now put a 20 watt ( thats really all they are ) quoted as 50 watts.. but 20 watts is a lot in a car. the o/e speakers can't take this power so they start fupping / that is the sound of the cones bottoming out . It is very rare that the vibration is a plastic moulding ... not in all speakers. When i used to do installs .. i settled on alwways advising the customer to get sound proofing / damping pads fitted first... then no matter what speakers are fitted they will sound much more controlled, less road noise . and NO metal ringing comming from the doors.... and as you upgrade the speakers the quality imprivement is always more pronounced !! hope this helps ... if a bit long winded lol
  6. Hi Guys I'm new here but used to have a car audio business before my daughter got cancer .. so had to retire from it ... life changes every which way and i must roll with the punches. ref the radio problem switching on with the engine .. i find that depending on who fitted the unit dealer or diy ? .... anyway people can get confused between the ign and acc wire !! are they reversed ? even with the advent of the iso plugs these wires can be reversed as in fiat bravo and others ! This can an expensive mistake when dealing with issues like active antennas etc with regard to wet speakers... numerous issues can cause this. fitting speakers that are too deep ... magnets protrude well into door panel / cavity or door seals are gone. quick solution : we used to use a product called ''rain off'' it was a kit with sticky foam pads that moulded around the speaker basket and were 100% waterproof.... may have some left in stores..would have to check.
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