Hi there, Many thanks for your replies, most of my conversations have been with Citroen direct who again seem to be stating that it is how the system works and that if I forget AC which I know is a big drain on the battery and only have the fan on the lowest level then the ECO light flashes but the engine does not stop. If I have everything off and then it does stop but if I turn the fan on then the engine restarts, that to me is madness and probably means I can only use ECO mode it the temperature range of 10 to 16 degrees the only times when I can have the window open. I was also told that with the AC and Fan off the air vents should work but they don't either so to me the ECO system on my car seems worthless, its not going to cost me anything it is only 18 days old, but I might get rid of it. Again many thanks for your help, Tim.