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Everything posted by Stevep

  1. Patteri, If you look at previous post this is how we got around it no real problems since but getting rid of it just in case!
  2. Have you got the child locks on?
  3. Update, Thanks to the last post from picnmix looks like we have found the problem.............hope so anyway! The doser valves as described are both working fine so its more likely a solinoid issue we havent actually fixed the fault more bypassed it for the time being just to prove it 600miles later no problems. We removed the vac pipe from the top valve keeping it open all the time so regardless what the bottom valve does the engine can still breathe, not sure if there will be any long term consequences leaving it like this ?? From what I have read the air going into the cat/dpf will have gone through the intercooler all the time so would be cooler whether this will soot the DPF long term im not sure??? Steve
  4. That might be somethingelse to look at,the chugging alot until higher revs and smoke is the same although when it plays up I have no revs and cuts in about 2000revs. Will ask the garage there thoughts keep me in the loop if you get yours fixed please!!!!
  5. Garage have checked injectors,running out of ideas now the garage are speaking to citreon dealer although we hold little hope as they are not very good in our area.
  6. Eolys been replaced when the dpf was changed and filler cap still has magnets on. Steve
  7. Hi guys, Sorry for the delay in coming back decided a holiday was needed!!!! Checked the DPF Regen was saying it had regened 200km ago and the car had played up that day! Changed the exhaust temp sensor! Cleaned the pipes and EGR quite sooted up. Still the fault exists............driving me and the garage mad. Still no fault codes showing!!! Any thoughts most welcome. Steve
  8. Thats a couple more things to check,will update asap. Thanks!
  9. Changed the fuel,oil and air filters. Fingers crossed someone has come across the same faults!!!!!
  10. Hi Paul, Yes its a diesel and the AIr flow is a Lucas one from the local motorfactors. If i start from scratch just in case I am causing confusion (probably am so do apologise). Fault appears very randomly last time was ok for 300miles time before 50miles so no pattern really. If you are travelling along 50-60mph at say 2.5k revs you get what feels like someone applying the brake a puff of smoke and then back to normal all within 2 seconds and then of you go again sometimes thats it for a while sometimes like last night it happened for about 3 miles and must of been 20times then cleared and today its fine. If by any chance you are in traffic or need to stop and it happens it gets a bit trickier!With the car stationary as you slowly press the accelerator pedal nothing happens and then suddenly at 2000revs it cuts in and as long as you keep above that you can get going tricky in traffic! it also is smoking and sounds wrong as if underload or fueling wrong then it with no reason clears. Any clearer? Of course this never happens when the garage have it!!! Steve
  11. Hi everyone, Just an update,had the cambelt and water pump changed along with the Airflow meter and oil/filter ect. Same symptoms have re-appeared tonight on way home must have happened 20 times in less than a mile luckiliy I was travelling at 2-3k revs so just annoying and a puff of smoke each time (Apparently last time my friend was following and said it didnt smell to good).When I did stop no revs until 2k without warning so stalled first time. Last three miles no problem any ideas???? No faults / Warning lights on. Steve
  12. Will do is it worth changing the water pump at the same time?
  13. Was hoping it might be something simple like the airflow is there anythingelse to check? Do you know if the cambelts are suspect on the C8? Mine is a 2006 got 78k on clock. Thanks for the help so far.
  14. Unplugged the mass air flow and it did go away and drove nicely,following day was in a sort of limp mode so plugged back in and ok for a while. Not sure whatelse unplugging the Air flow disconnects???
  15. Not a Citroen garage so assuming a lexiia type? Said he went into both sections when he was checking if that helps will they have different diagnostics?
  16. Did you manage to solve this fault? Got exactly the same thing happening to mine! the Garage have plugged into the ECU and no faults registered,slowly driving me mad. Only had a month,before I had the car a new DPF had been fitted and additive. Any help please
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