Hi, I own a citroen berlingo van, i took it off the road for a few months, the battery went flat, i renewed it and it would not start!! I took it to a diagnostics garage, they played abot with it for over 1 month, with no results, i found a mobile tech who fixed the problem within 5 minutes, seems the ECU lost comms with the DPI. Anyways since then the van would run fine & cut out whilst driving or on tickover, it judders and cuts out, rev counter drops dead, engine management light comes on, leave it for 5 minutes and it will re-start and run ok with no engine management light for a mile or so and cut out again. Now it may start or may not, when you turn on the ignition, you will either hear the fuel system powering up but sometimes it won,t, power up!!!! The fault code reader comes back with no faults found, Ive heard a solinoid elecrical type noise from the underbonet fuse box, i changed that to no avail, Ive also changed the Crank sensor, now im hearing a noise comming from around the throttle body when the ignition is swicthed on! ANYONE WITH ANY IDEAS??? I was going to buy a Throttle body, but thought i would give you boys a try!!! Regards Jeff Locks11.