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  1. get the part number of the comms 2000 and hit ebay, theres also a ebay seller who can fix some comms units. or i can give you the partnumber for the comms unit if you give me the last 8 digets of your vin number
  2. that would be the tps, it looks like a black boc withe a 4 pin conecter and the accrator cabel conected to it. thay fail becaus the greas becomes conductive thay can be cleaned hears a guide http://306oc.co.uk/forum/archive/index.php?thread-9969.html
  3. have you had moments where you press the accelrator peddel and nothing happens? mafs tend not to post up "antipollution Fault"
  4. this sound like a dirtey fuel pressure regulator . is it a bosch setup?
  5. mike thay have two settings pre and post start, the pre start only comes one at low temps but the post comes on to aid combustion untill the engine is up to temp or reved above 2000rpm.
  6. over-boost would put it in limp mode. it could be a dry wheel bering or many other things
  7. non of my hdi's are useing the glow plugs or start up just post start. the glow plugs are only used below 5c and then its like 2sec, i used to have a littel chart with them and glow plug on time. had an old 8 valve hdi lighting off in -17c and the only problem it had was a bit of white smoke. p1598 its in french but its got pics so it may help http://www.forum307.com/viewtopic.php?p=862647&sid=41bf95747f0ac249e4b3652ca71fd015 it seams to be an electrovalve on the thermostat housing
  8. if your battrey voltage is low it will have an impact on the start stop, it may be somthing compleatley diffrent tho. so check your battrey and then get it on a lexia and check all is ok things to chek are battrey voltage when running and switched off check wiring see if it looks chafed or cut air conditning gas presher (can be done with lexiea) thats about as much as i know about start stop tec but some one will be along to add stuff no doubt
  9. if you are near me then i have deler diag equipment, i am in sheffield south yorkshire.
  10. running on is normaly the fpr on the back of the fuel pump easy to do and cheap to fix
  11. there is a jacking point in the middel at the back just in frount of the tow bar, i can put up a pic if you like.
  12. first thing to try is a bsi reset, if that dose not work then we need to start looking at other things. CORRECT REBOOT PROCEDURE FOR BSI Put the driver's window down, lift the bonnet and ensure all equipment is switched off. Ensure all doors are closed and remove key from the ignition. Wait for 3 minutes, disconnect the vehicle battery and wait 15 seconds. Reconnect the vehicle battery, wait a further 10 seconds (do not open doors.). Switch on the side lights through the driver's window. Switch on the ignition and check system's functionality. Hold lock button on key down for 10 seconds. Remove key open & close door test central locking system. Start the engine and complete the system's check. Reset the clock and date. Failure to follow this procedure could result in incorrect operation of many BSI related items.
  13. drain the tank and put some fresh fuel(the good stuff) in it, don't jump the gun with replacing big parts yet. lexia can do evrething, it sounds like it just needs to be run abit. prime the fuel system befor you start it see if that makes a diffrance i am not shour how to do it on the petrols but on the diesels you switch the ignition on to position 2 wait 10-20seconds and cycel it like that 10 times, also spray some starting spray or somthing that will make the engine speed up and sprey it round the vac pipes and throttle body this will show air leakes. be carful of hot manifolds and flamabul sprays!
  14. the brake pipes don't all ways scrue right in on most of the cars i have worked on its sound like he has not bled the brake fulley you can do it at home takes about 20mins its well documented on youtube. i did it the wrong way round just like most mecanics will and my brakes are fine so don't worrey about that or the abs, as the abs will blead throught as you bled the brakes.
  15. thanks for the update and telling us what it was
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