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Everything posted by puychenin

  1. Thanks for the reply. I have not actually found a lhd car yet, just wanted to know if it was worth the effort of looking and viewing etc. My neighbour who is a qualified welder has not actually given me a price yet, just a series of oohs and aahs if you see what I mean, and we keep swaying from not worth the effort, to well if you spend that much on another car.... etc. I have been looking for several months for replacement outer sills and have not found anything, and I think he would be unwilling to patch up the car without.
  2. Does anybody know if it is possible to swap an engine from a rhd zx to a lhd? Ours is a 95 zx d and is rusty around the outer sills and above the suspension but the engine is low mileage and runs really well. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
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