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Everything posted by Norwear

  1. Paul H. I really don't know what to answer you on your question.
  2. I understand. If you still want to see the pic i could mail it to you. I would love if this sight could be more smartphone-friendly. I dont have a computer anymore..
  3. Location cabinfilter on 2008-2015 Go to instagram and look for n0rwear (n0rwear with a zero) I have an open profile . I have placed a picture. Easyer that way. It's easy yet a little tricky to replace it.
  4. Hello, for a year I`ve had the same problem. My LED light was in bad shape, broken a bit in a corner so I have always thought it was the light, diddent even bother to check the wires at the tale gate.... But it WAS the wires that had snapped. I even bought a new light 140£. I also have to confirm. The job is not done in a flash, you need some time. First remove all plastic parts on the inside of the tale door, buy some plastic clip remove tool. Then the 4 screws at the underside of the wing, then make sure you have something to cover the wing for being scratched on removal. 2 plastic clips are sentered on the middle, push firmly (this is the part where you can damage your wing, there are also 2 plastic hooks, remove from the oposite direction, ore else the 2 hooks will brake. If anyone can tell me how to post pictures I`d be glad. My pictures is aleays too big no mather what I do.
  5. To John and other who wonder why. My brake-light is broken in one corner (don't know how,previous owner) and i strongly believe it is broken due to moisture. All the other lights attached to the hatch is working. But will definitely check out the wires as Mr. John refer to. Alex.
  6. Thanks for the tip Paul. I'll look into it on Sunday. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Alex, Norway.
  7. Pardon fellow C5III owners. I need help/tip on a link to buy a new or secondhand 3rd rear brale light on the estate (hatch) I've tryed my best on ebay and second hand dealers in Scandinavia. But i cant find any. Little bit disappointed that even ebay don't have it. Though i rather believe it's due to my lack of ebay experience. Any tip will do. Anyone know the part-number? Thank you.
  8. I had this episode this summer when the 50amp fuse for the hydrolic and AC blew. They said it was unusual for that to happen. They searched for a few hours but could not find the reason. Maybe it happened then. Strange but but.
  9. Problem solved. It was not the fuse (there are no fuse only for the lights attached to the hatch). It was the bulbs...ALL OF THEM.. What are the odds for that?) I bought the car this summer, so I haven't noticed it untill now due to daylight 24/7 untill september. (Why does not the C5 have a bulb error warning in the dash? It seems like they hsve everything but that) But thanks for the tip JohnD.
  10. Hello. Anyone with xperience with the lights in the hatch not working. Acording to the manual on page 170 its the light B C and D. Somehow I have all I need in the lights on the side. what DOES on the work on the hatch is rear wiper rear wiper washer motorized hatch opener/close anti fog/ ice pardon my pore english on car details. Alex, Norway.
  11. Is it possible for admin. to make difference between the 3 C5 types? I have a type 3 and are lokking for tips. But many tips dont help me much due to an older model. If not. Can members from now on start theyr topics with year, model and engine. That would help a lot. There are over 2000 topics on the C5. Best regard from Norway.
  12. Thanx for the tipp Parkesie. I tryed to activate it in the menu, but it was not possible. The choice was cind of scrambled. Maybe I have some software issues.
  13. Hello. Does anyone know how the aux conector in the glov compartment works? I have a C5 from 2009. I have tryed the cables and conected it to my phone hoping i could play my music from my phone and apps like Voxer, but nothing happens. AUX is no option at the sourcebutton on the stereo, only radio and cd. The bluethoot only works for making good old fashion phone calls.
  14. As mr Paul said. Its many bulbs to choose from at that site. As it is for now I will order 4 different G4 bulbs. I wonder hom many lumen the original bulb holds? The key thing is to get as close as possible to the original. I'm thinking 500 lumen. But thats just a thought. To cange the bulb i wil do it the hard way, down with the bumper. I belive it's important to cange the daylight bulb. Or else the xenon light will be woren to fast and those bulbs ar NOT cheap.
  15. IMPOTANT. Do NOT lower the car. The pump does not work and the speed is then redused to 10 km/h. You then basecly need a tow truck to get to a garage. I lowered my car because I thought it was low on hydrolic fluid/oil.
  16. Hello. Want to chare an episode that accord this summer 2014. deep in Finland (on my way to the WRC-Rally.) I got a fault code. Suspension error max 90 km/h, my A/C also suddenly stoped working (delightful in 30 Celsius) it turned out to be a 50 amp fuse for the hydrolic pump and the A/C generator, it's located underneath the fusebox in the engine room next to the battery. I had to have professional help since I was a 1000 km from home.
  17. Yes. How did you change them. I am from Norway and they will carge me 250£ to cange them. I have a C5 from 2009 the Exclusive. 03.09.14.
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