HELP!!.. bought a xantia td a couple of weeks ago, should have walked away when i heard it hadnt been driven for over a year but milage was low, and price was cheap.. however!.. after having to replace the heater matrix, today was driving home.. accelerating up a hill there was a slight pop from exhaust, a bit of (i think) oil smoke out the back and a loss of acceleration.. still seems to run, just no boost from the turbo.. does this mean the turbo's shagged?? read a couple of streams and i investigated the fuel filter.. un-did the drain and nothing really came out.. so i took the cap off the filter and some thick brown sludge started coming out.. fuel filter doesnt look too bad, and as its raining, and night, i havent investigated taking the filter box apart to see if i can get more sludge out.. oh.. the other day the injection light on the dash came on once.. then went out and i pretended i'd never seen it! any clues if its the turbo or just crap in the fuel pipe??