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Everything posted by brush

  1. Eventually, I replace roof cables and gear on my own, and now the roof works perfectly, and I can use also the boot. Then, I replaced all the interslides of the roof because two of them were broken. And now the roof close perfectly, too. I spent 260 Euros. If can understand italian language, here the complete instructions that I wrote. http://www.citroen-club.it/forum/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=20272 http://www.citroen-club.it/forum/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=20586 Good luck!!
  2. I'm from Italy, so my english can be ...unpolite. Try to push the roof button, in close position, for 30 second to reset the unit. If you heard some noise from the back like an automatic gun machine maybe your mechanism cables need to be replaced. Anyway, if you can open I little bit the roof, then try to put an hard object in the middle (an hammer head) and close the roof again. Maybe you will hear a soft noise from the boot, then you will be able to open the boot outside. On my Pluriel this worked! Good luck and let me know. I know in England you have some good specialist that can fix your roof at very good price. Google for "Plurielfixerandfitter" or Chevron Citroen & Peugeot Specialists.
  3. Oppss...you are right! :-)
  4. Hi Alan, You're Wright, There is a couple of panels (l & r) and the boot-lid but often the old owner forget them completely in the box, because he didn't use them. Try to ask to the seller to make a call to him and...good luck! Otherwise find out on eBay!
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