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Everything posted by alcudia60

  1. Just an update. Had the espr back on yesterday. Today it cut out twice. As I had the day off,and for once it wasn't raining, I decided to fit a new air and fuel filter. I only changed these about 6 -7 months ago. The fuel filter was filthy. I don't let the tank get below half and use redex regularly. Only thing I can put it down to is supermarket fuel. Did a bsi reset ( just in case ). Starts great, runs great, stops straight away after turning the key. Only thing that spoiled the weekend was finding my car keys in my jacket pocket. After it had been through the washing machine. Hopefully a new battery will fix that though. Thanks for all the help. Lexia is my next purchase.
  2. Yes Max it Bosch. Weirdest thing today. Like a prat I left my keys in my pocket and washed them. Ok remote c/l wont work. No big deal. However. Everything is now perfect no lights. No warnings. Nothing. Go figure !
  3. Paul. Thanks for the advice. I'll check the injectors later. I think there's a pressure release valve on the rail. Coastline. Your right. A lexia is the way forward. As I understand they only work on xp or previous windows. I run windows 8.1. Is there a way to research the codes that the lexia gives you.
  4. Hi Paul. Thanks for clarifying model and year. I keep forgetting. Oil level is fine. Battery output is perfect. Hopefully the Highland weather will improve tomorrow and I can get under the bonnet. Its very difficult being in the middle of nowhere with no diagnostics. I really do need to get one.
  5. Guys I need your help again, After months of trouble free motoring I'm having problems again. Espr light is on intermittently, engine management and service light on almost permanently. It started last week, on my way to work the temp sensor dropped to cold and the engine revs dropped and rose rhythmically. When I got to work I turned off the engine and it kept running for a second. 10 hours later I started her and got all the warnings. Usual anti pollution, espr etc. stopped for fuel, started her up and espr disappeared. Engine management and service still on. I changed air and fuel filter and did being reset. All ok for 2 days but now the engine over runs every time and the dash looks like a Christmas tree. Don't have a lexia and no dealers anywhere near me. Any idea what I should be looking for.
  6. Fuel filter AND housing changed 2 weeks ago Bled it through to the injectors just in case. Strange this is... This morning the anti pollution warning came on. Engine management and service light on. Started the car at work this evening and drove 150 yards to the supermarket. Got back in the car after 5 mins and no lights or warnings. Smooth 15 mile drive home although I was expecting the dreaded ping of the warning or complete stall. But no, nothing at all. Long may it continue
  7. Unfortunately no. We live in a very rural area and unfortunately the nearest dealer is over 50 miles away. If I had any intention of keeping the car I would invest in a lexia and a cheap laptop. I put fuel in today from a non supermarket pump and half a bottle of redex. She seemed to run a little smoother until I accelerated away from a roundabout and she cut out completely. Waited a min and she started up with the antipollution fault message, engine management and service light on. Drove the 15 mile home without anymore mishaps. I think I'll be getting my Toyota estima back on the road. The old bus never let us down. Until I lost control on ice and hit a dry stone wall.
  8. Hi Paul, Everything works just as it should. All bulbs ok. I really don't know where to start with this one. Maybe a complete reset is needed. Don't suppose it could hurt to try.
  9. Hi guys, Once again the c5 has me stumped. Last week driving home the car went into limp mode. No warning lights, nothing. Just wouldn't rev over 2k. All of a sudden she sprang to life and was fine. One week later and I noticed that she was hunting ( old mechanics will know this ). She seemed to drop power and then regain in a rhythmical motion. Revs didn't drop and speed was steady throughout all this. Stopped at a shop on the way home and once again she went into limp mode. No lights warnings etc. And once again she picked up and was fine. I've now become so fed up with the car that its up for sale. We live in a rural area with no public transport and I just cant trust it anymore.
  10. Quick update. I now have gears. Quite a simple job really. Remove the air filter housing, disconnecting all the plugs so that it can be removed completely. Disconnect the cables from gearbox by depressing the nipple and pulling off the ball joint. Remove the clips from the cable housing at the aluminum guide block. Its fiddly but can be done with a small screwdriver. From inside the car lift the gear stick gator up over the gear knob and cut the small cable tie. Remove gator and gear knob complete. Undo the 4 x 10mm retaining nuts with a deep socket. Jack up the car and use axle stands. Remove the centre exhaust clamp. Drop the cat and dpf by undoing the 2 x 13mm nuts on the cross member. This is where I went wrong. I undid the flexi from the cat and find it impossible to reconnect. Try undoing the top clamp from the flexi and move the complete unit to one side. Undo the retaining bolts from underside plastic covers and either remove or fold back the heat shield. Its awkward but can be done. Remove the gear stick unit and cables complete. Refit new cables and reverse the procedure to refit. This took me about 3 hours.
  11. Hi Paul, . the problems seem to be normal ones that go with the c5. Various messages popping up. The latest was to change diesel filter. Turned out not be the filter but a loose injector ( no 1 ). Tightened it with a 7mm Allen key. Also changed air, fuel and oil filter at the same time. I noticed that an anti pollution fault cropped up next. Simply loads of dead leaves in the air intake. I live in the Highlands so loads of wet weather and leaves everywhere. The main problem has been the gears. After fixing everything yesterday I jumped in and started her up. She sounded sweet. Put her in first and let off the clutch to find no gears. Checked the connection at the box and one cable had snapped. The left one. Not sure which gears this selects. Ordered a new set from flea bay. ( no decent motor factors for 50 mile and no public transport here. So today I got under and undid the cat and dog. Moved them out the way and removed the he's shield. Nothing was disturbed, all cables connected. Just have to wait until new parts arrive to get her on the road again. Any info on fitting the cables would be gratefully received.
  12. Hi guys, I've had my 51 plate 2.2 hdi c5 for a couple of months now and had a hell of a time. Usual espr and anti pollution faults, even loose injectors and snapped gear cables. I've managed to fix them all but this one has me stumped, Looking at the gear linkage cables today ready to fit a new set next weekend. took the cat and dpf off to get to the heat shield and all went ok. until it came to refitting the cat to the flexi. I just cant get the clamp to fit right. its so tight under there that I can only get one hand in. and find it impossible to refit it. any ideas would be gratefully received.
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