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Everything posted by buxtonmarauder

  1. Name: Citroen C5 (2010) Date Added: 27 October 2014 - 05:14 PM Owner: buxtonmarauder Short Description: None Provided View Vehicle
  2. Hello, I promise I have looked on the web and this forum for an answer to this question but couldn't find a similar scenario, I'm hoping someone can help me - I figure this should be a simple replacement. The corrugated pipe which carries the washer fluid to the rear wash/wipe on my C5 Tourer has snapped. It exits out of the bodywork under the tailgate in the top right hand corner of the car when looking at the tailgate from the back. I have confirmed this by activating the wash/wipe with someone looking at the pipe and it delivers washer fluid.. Anyone seen this before ?Is it a known fault ?Where can I get my hands on a replacement pipe ?Does a "how to fix" exists (with pics for idiots like me) ? Thanks for any help :-) JP
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