Hi from a newbie! I've just got rid of a 2009 C5 Tourer 1.6 VTR+ NAV with 85k on the clock. I was looking at other cars, including a 5-series, A4, Passat etc. etc. However, then I was looking at a Land Rover dealership in Wakefield, and saw they had a 2012 C5 Tourer 2.0 VTR+ NAV with 25k on the clock, full leather, electrics, panoramic etc. etc. so I went for that! Absolutely LOVE C5's, no idea why you don't see more Tourers on the road either, they are brilliant cars for the money. In short - GET A NEWER C5! PS - The old one was fine too, after an EGR valve change at 80k - as it kept dying on the motorway, which was scary! Something to watch out for, but if you get a reconditioned EGR fitted it can save you loads.